Is the Genesis Flood Impossible?
Did God really flood the Earth?
The atheist stance on the flood has always been simple yet very strong. 1) There is not enough water in our atmosphere to flood the Earth even if it all did fall in rain. 2) If there was, the amount of rain that would have had to pour out of the sky in order to flood the Earth in 40 days would be simply impossible.
Both of these have always been powerful arguments. Powerful enough to have turned some Christians into Atheists in fact. ...Until now.
The first thing to point out here is that the Bible doesn't say that it was the rain that fell for forty days that flooded the world. It only mentions the rain as part of the cause.
Genesis 7:11
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.
All the fountains of the great deep burst open. This is a segment of the verse that is often ignored by atheists and Christians alike. Why? Because nobody knew what it was speaking about and if they did figure it out, it would hurt the atheists argument. Unfortunately for the atheists, modern science has come a long way and we are finding the answer to this verse.
Being a fairly new discovery, science does not yet have the specifics down yet, but approximately 400 to 500 miles below the surface of the Earth, there is a layer called the Transition Zone. This section is filled with Ringwoodite, a sponge like mineral. This transition zone is believed to be holding anywhere from equal to our oceans in water, to three times as much as our oceans in water. If it is three times the amount of our oceans, and that water rose to the surface? It would be enough to cover all of our mountains.
So to flood the Earth, God didn't need to make it pour rain so hard that is inconceivable and He did not need to create more water to have enough to flood the Earth. God only needed to have "All the fountains of the great deep burst open."
Think about what happened here for a moment. For so long we thought this was impossible. But as science finds more out, it becomes apparent it is not impossible after all. Further more, and this is the great part, the Bible was already saying this is what happened even before we knew it was possible. If Genesis was nothing more than a story book written by a man, would he have bothered adding the fountains of the great deep burst open? He didn't know there was all that water 400 miles down. He would have never considered simple springs would be enough to do the job and he sure wouldn't have called springs, the fountains of the "great" deep. Likely, the writer would have simply never mentioned the water coming from the fountains of the great deep. And yet the writer did just that. How could he have possibly known to write that unless God in fact did inspire it?
This is yet another case where modern science not only proves out something the Bible already has in it, but in this case, it literally destroys one of Atheism's strongest arguments.
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The atheist stance on the flood has always been simple yet very strong. 1) There is not enough water in our atmosphere to flood the Earth even if it all did fall in rain. 2) If there was, the amount of rain that would have had to pour out of the sky in order to flood the Earth in 40 days would be simply impossible.
Both of these have always been powerful arguments. Powerful enough to have turned some Christians into Atheists in fact. ...Until now.
The first thing to point out here is that the Bible doesn't say that it was the rain that fell for forty days that flooded the world. It only mentions the rain as part of the cause.
Genesis 7:11
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.
All the fountains of the great deep burst open. This is a segment of the verse that is often ignored by atheists and Christians alike. Why? Because nobody knew what it was speaking about and if they did figure it out, it would hurt the atheists argument. Unfortunately for the atheists, modern science has come a long way and we are finding the answer to this verse.
Being a fairly new discovery, science does not yet have the specifics down yet, but approximately 400 to 500 miles below the surface of the Earth, there is a layer called the Transition Zone. This section is filled with Ringwoodite, a sponge like mineral. This transition zone is believed to be holding anywhere from equal to our oceans in water, to three times as much as our oceans in water. If it is three times the amount of our oceans, and that water rose to the surface? It would be enough to cover all of our mountains.
So to flood the Earth, God didn't need to make it pour rain so hard that is inconceivable and He did not need to create more water to have enough to flood the Earth. God only needed to have "All the fountains of the great deep burst open."
Think about what happened here for a moment. For so long we thought this was impossible. But as science finds more out, it becomes apparent it is not impossible after all. Further more, and this is the great part, the Bible was already saying this is what happened even before we knew it was possible. If Genesis was nothing more than a story book written by a man, would he have bothered adding the fountains of the great deep burst open? He didn't know there was all that water 400 miles down. He would have never considered simple springs would be enough to do the job and he sure wouldn't have called springs, the fountains of the "great" deep. Likely, the writer would have simply never mentioned the water coming from the fountains of the great deep. And yet the writer did just that. How could he have possibly known to write that unless God in fact did inspire it?
This is yet another case where modern science not only proves out something the Bible already has in it, but in this case, it literally destroys one of Atheism's strongest arguments.
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