Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
From church to church, the teachings on the gifts of the Holy Spirit will vary as much as any other doctrine in Christianity. Which kind of surprises me to be honest, for the Bible actually does make the truth pretty clear. The confusion goes back to the age old problem of man interpreting the scriptures not to find the truth, but to fit what he wants instead. If you put personal desire aside, the truth is easy to find.
The most common gift of the Holy Spirit to debate is speaking in tongues. So I will address that particular gift first. Especially since the majority of churches seem to get it wrong.
According to scripture, there seems to be three kinds of speaking in tongues.
Speaking in Tongues – Intended for breaking through the language barrier in the spreading of the gospel. When a person would suddenly start speaking in a known language that they did not previously know and someone else in the vicinity would understand. This is always in a known language and in the hearing of someone who will know that language. A secondary intention of this tongue is to be proof to the one speaking that it is of God, and sometimes proof to the listener that it is a miracle of God that someone who does not know the language could just start speaking it, even in their own dialect.
I personally do not believe this kind of speaking in tongues is real today. I have not found any documented cases of someone who did not know a certain language, suddenly speaking it and others understanding it. This was needed in the first century to spread the Gospel quickly, but today it is no longer needed. Most countries have too many who speak other languages now, and there are apps that will translate automatically.
Prophetic Tongues – When one speaks a prophetic word from God, in a different language (known or unknown) and then when they are done, either they or someone else will interpret it for all to understand.
I do believe this is real, however there are rules that must be followed and Paul made them very clear.
1 Corinthians 14:27-28 (NASB)
27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, it should be by two or at the most three, and each in turn, and one must interpret; 28 but if there is no interpreter, he must keep silent in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God.
-1) When speaking in prophetic tongues, there should never be more than 2 or three at most who do.
-2) They must take turns in an orderly fashion.
-3) There must be an interpreter.
-4) If one speaks and there is no interpreter, they are no longer to speak in church but they should keep it between themselves and God and do it at home.
Praying in Tongues – When one is in deep prayer and the Holy Spirit takes over and prays in a different tongue or through groaning and other sounds.
This is a prayer between you and God, when the Holy Spirit takes over and prays for you and through you. This is to be done at home and not in church. There are many churches that promote everyone praying in tongues during their praise and worship service, but this is not the way it should be done according to the word of God.
1 Corinthians 14:22-25 (NASB)
22 So then tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophecy is for a sign, not to unbelievers but to those who believe. 23 Therefore if the whole church assembles together and all speak in tongues, and ungifted men or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad?
As much as church is for the believer to have fellowship and get guidance in their walk with God, the church service is also meant for the unbeliever to hear the gospel of Christ. We are not to all be speaking in tongues at the same time because that will only come across as crazy to the unbeliever. Praying in tongues is not for the unbeliever but for the believer and should be done at home between them and God.
This is also connected to the prophetic tongues where the verse says that only two or three should speak and they should take turns and only if there is an interpreter. If there is no interpreter they are to not do it in church but only at home between them and God? Why? Because if there is no interpreter, then it was not a prophetic tongue but it was praying in tongues, for a prophetic tongue will always have an interpretation.
Should All Believers Speak in Tongues?
There are churches that teach that every Born Again Believer should speak in tongues. They will give reasons for their beliefs, but what they are teaching is contradicting to the word of God.
1 Corinthians 12:11 (NASB)
11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.
1 Corinthians 12:30 (NASB)
30 All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they?
1 Corinthians 12:10 (NASB)
10 and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues.
It is obvious by these three verses that not all believers will receive the same gifts. There is not one gift that all believers will receive. We are each given the gifts according to the will of the Holy Spirit. He alone decides which gifts He will give to each of us.
What of those who say that speaking in tongues is of the devil?
There are some denominations that say this. The problem is people have a bad habit of taking everything to the extreme. The belief that all tongues have seized and today it is of the devil is taking things to the edge of extreme. There simply is no real scripture that says tongues has stopped. All they have is one scripture that they interpret to mean as much. That simply is not strong enough proof for me.
1 Corinthians 13:8-10 (NASB)
8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part; 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
This verse clearly says that at one point, tongues will seize. Some believe the “perfect” was the completion of the original manuscripts for God’s Word. So once the Bible was finished, there was no need for tongues and it seized. I think this is a stretch.
First let me point out that this scripture says when the perfect comes, the “partial” will be done away. What is the partial? It says we know in part and we prophecy in part. Obviously knowledge and prophecy is the partial. It never connects tongues with the partial.
Second, I will add that the “perfect” is likely Jesus. In fact, the scripture shows us that just a couple verses later.
1 Corinthians 13:12 (NASB)
12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
As I pointed out already, the earlier verses said we know in part and we prophecy in part. Here it once again connects to that by saying “now I know in part”. Then it continues on to say “but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.” We are fully known by God. When Jesus returns, we will then have full knowledge and understanding. That is when we will no longer need to gain knowledge anymore. I believe the “perfect” that is to come, is Jesus.
As for tongues, it does say however that it will cease. The thing is, it never says when. It is purely a stretch of interpretation to claim it was when the Bible was completed. It also never says all of tongues will seize. Tongues is the only gift that the Bible clearly says can come in different types. I believe that “Speaking” in tongues where we speak a different known language to break down language barriers has seized.
Either way, there simply is not enough evidence that tongues has seized altogether that I would ever venture to say it is of the devil. Yet there is one way I would say that. I would say it in a sense as how we use it. The denominations that teach that every Born Again believer should speak in tongues, is in fact doing something that is of the devil. They are teaching people to speak a false tongue.
When I was younger, I went down for prayer at a convention, wanting to receive the Holy Spirit. I didn’t understand at the time that everyone receives the Holy Spirit the moment we believe. I had several men placing their hands on my head and shoulders and praying over me to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and to speak in tongues. After it went on for a while, they started urging me to just make sounds and move my lips and tongue to make syllables but don’t form any real words. Basically, they were teaching me “how” to speak in tongues.
After this went on for a bit longer, I just did what they said and began making up gibberish and they started praising God that I was speaking in tongues. For a couple years I actually believed that was speaking in tongues. Then I fell into a life of sin that kept me in misery for 30 years. When I returned to God and actually started studying the Bible, I learned that there was not one case in the Bible where someone had to be taught “how” to speak in tongues. In fact, there is not even one case where someone chooses on their own initiative to speak in tongues. It always happens on its own. When the Holy Spirit chooses to do it.
1 Corinthians 14:18 (NASB)
18 I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you all;
Think about what Paul is saying here. Why would he thank God that he speaks in tongues more than others if he chooses when to speak in tongues? That would be like me saying, I thank God I tell jokes more than other people. Or someone saying they thank God they play video games more than others. Why would you thank God you do something more if you choose when to do it? The fact he says this, tells me that when one speaks in tongues, it is the Holy Spirit choosing to do it and the person has no control of it. It just happens.
Yet we have churches with thousands of members teaching people how to speak in tongues and doing it when they choose to do it. I have no doubt whatsoever that the vast majority of people who speak in tongues, are speaking a false tongue. They are doing nothing more than making up gibberish and believing they are speaking in tongues and they simply don’t know any better. And what happens when they learn the truth? They very well may feel betrayed they were taught wrong. Feel they were duped and then question everything they were taught. They can lose faith!
Let me be clear here. I do not mean this article to be a part of destroying someone’s faith. Please remember that I once was taught the same thing. A part of me felt betrayed and duped as well. You need to realize that it was not someone taking advantage of you. It is a lack of understanding the truth. It does not change the truth of everything else you were taught. The Gospel of Christ is still true. Your salvation is still real. You only need to accept that maybe, just maybe, you don’t actually speak in tongues… and that is okay.
What about the gift of Healing?
Sadly, there are a whole lot of fake ministers out there performing fake healing services to get money and notoriety. However, if it was all fake, why would the devil have ever started it? For the amount of people who have turned their life over to Jesus from watching what they believed were miracles, and the few who turned away because they believed it was fake, the devil would have been doing more good for Christ than bad. That is never what the devil does.
The truth is, healing is real. There are real cases of people being healed in church services when hands are laid on them. If every case was real, the amount of people who would turn to Jesus would be unbelievable. That’s why the devil pushed for so many to fake it for money. Because so many have been busted as being fake, the world sees it as fake and so there are not as many who will turn to Christ over what they see on TV.
How can I be certain some is real? Because I am one person who has experienced it for real in my life.
When I was a teen, my back started hurting. I had pain that would shoot through my lower back if I twisted wrong or lifted something too heavy, and would drop me instantly to my knees. To get out of bed in the mornings, I had to slowly roll over to my stomach, slide my legs off the bed and lower myself to my knees and then get up from my knees. I could not be laying on my back and just sit up.
One night my pastor did something I had never heard of him doing in 3 or 4 years I had been going to the church. He held a special healing service. It was a large church and I went and sat in the balcony section. I was not a big believer in healing, so I started praying to God that if He wanted me to go down for healing, He was going to have to make it very clear to me. The very moment I said “Amen”, the pastor stopped and spoke to us. He went on to say how there was someone who had back pain. He went on to describe in detail exactly what I had to do to get out of bed. The clear description along with the timing of it coming as soon as I finished praying made it clear enough for me and I went down to the crowd who was down their being laid hands on.
I had my eyes closed and my hands in the air, praising God when I heard my pastor draw near to me. He didn’t stop or anything, he just walked by praying in tongues and I felt his hand touch my head as he walked by. I felt myself falling backwards and I realized nobody was catching me, yet I could not move to try to catch myself. I felt myself hit the floor and felt the motion of a little bounce. I never felt an impact though. It felt like I felt and bounced off a cloud.
I have no idea how long I laid there on the floor. After a little bit, I wanted to get up but I couldn’t get myself to move a finger. Finally after a little bit longer, I felt something release and suddenly I knew I could move. I sat up and got to my feet and walked back to my pew up in the balcony. I never felt a single pain in getting up from my back.
My mother told me that night that the devil would try to steal that healing from me someday. If I ever feel that pain come back, I needed to immediately thank God for healing me and keep it. A few days that exact thing happened and I thanked God, and the pain immediately disappeared. I am 53 as I type this and to this day I still have never felt that same pain again.
As I said, I know the vast majority of what you see on TV is fake. I do not deny that. What I do know for certain, without a doubt, is that some of it is real. I experienced what they call being “Slain in the Spirit”. I had my back healed. I do not doubt it is real now.
Some out there will think I am lying. That is up to you to decide what you feel. Anyone who knows me personally would know I am not the type to just make up lies. I am not even the kind of person who likes to exaggerate. The truth is too important to me.
There are some who may try to believe that it had to be the devil that healed me then. This is impossible according to the Bible. Jesus clearly says that a house divided against itself cannot stand. The devil is not going to heal someone in the name of Jesus. He will fake it in the name of Jesus just so it can be shown to be fake, but he will never actually heal someone in Jesus’ name.
I was slain in the spirit. I was healed. It was done in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt in my mind that it was God who healed me! There is no doubt that healing does sometimes happen for real.
The thing is, I don’t personally believe that there is anyone who has the gift of healing in the same way they did in the first century. We do not have people walking around and laying hands on the diseased and healing them. If anyone does have that ability, I would like to know why they have not spent their time in children’s hospitals.
In the days of the apostles, they could choose to heal someone and that person would be healed. Today the gift of Healing does not work that way. It is the Holy Spirit Who decides when to manifest Himself in that way and heal people. Sometimes He will. Too often He will not.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are real. I do not doubt that. However, I believe they are not as strong as they were in the first century and for good reason. The gifts like healing, tongues, and prophecy I believe are more dependent on faith.
Jesus did not have His own powers that he performed all of His miracles with. The Bible gives us many verses that show those miracles were performed by the Father or the Holy Spirit, through Jesus and done out of faith. His disciples lived with Jesus for over three years and witnessed Him doing far more miracles on likely a daily basis than we even read about in the Bible. That personal experience was instrumental on giving them a faith that was very great in the end. When they witnessed Jesus alive and risen from the dead, that built upon their faith in a huge way. The miracles they performed were also through faith.
As they all died off, there were no longer anyone who actually witnessed all of those miracles of Jesus first hand. It was not long before there was nobody who even had any connection to Jesus other than through hearing about Him from others. Their faith was nowhere near as strong as those who personally witnessed His resurrection. As faith has dwindled, so have the miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Today we likely have a few believers who truly pray and prophesy in tongues. There are a few who have the faith that the Holy Spirit will manifest Himself in such a way as to heal people when the timing is right. We do not have anyone who can walk around healing the blind or curing cancer. We do not have people speaking a known language they have never learned.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are real, but in no way are they the same as they were in the first century. Not only is the faith nowhere near as strong as it was then, but the times do not call for the same needs of the gifts.
Speaking in tongues was important in spreading the gospel and the preachers not needing to learn a new language as they did so. Today it is not needed for that purpose because we have so many translating programs and stuff to help break down the language barrier. Tongues as well as healing was important to show proof to the people that the God of Israel was the one True God, in order to spread the belief into different lands. Today God is not trying to get Christianity going, but He wants His people to believe without proof. To believe through faith.
Today we are growing close to the days of the End Times. There is a greater need for believers to study eschatology, teach others the truth, to discern false prophets and false teachings from the truth. There is a strong need for prayer warriors.
If your church believes every true believer should speak tongues, as I already mentioned, it is wrong. If your church believes tongues and healing are of the devil, it is wrong. Saying they are wrong, does not mean they are bad churches. They can still be very good, spirit filled churches, that just have a false understanding of certain doctrines. They truly believe they have interpreted God's Word correctly and that was where they went wrong. They tried to interpret God's Word instead of looking at the Primary verses. If they teach the truth according to salvation, they are still a good church. You don’t need to leave those churches. They may need people who can point out the truth to them in a gentle way from the inside. But if you want to leave a church over these problems, that is not wrong either. God may be leading you to a new position in your walk with Him. A new place where you can do His work.
Our main goal should not be to fight with other churches, but to focus on doing God’s work, and that is to spread the gospel to the unbelievers.
The most common gift of the Holy Spirit to debate is speaking in tongues. So I will address that particular gift first. Especially since the majority of churches seem to get it wrong.
According to scripture, there seems to be three kinds of speaking in tongues.
Speaking in Tongues – Intended for breaking through the language barrier in the spreading of the gospel. When a person would suddenly start speaking in a known language that they did not previously know and someone else in the vicinity would understand. This is always in a known language and in the hearing of someone who will know that language. A secondary intention of this tongue is to be proof to the one speaking that it is of God, and sometimes proof to the listener that it is a miracle of God that someone who does not know the language could just start speaking it, even in their own dialect.
I personally do not believe this kind of speaking in tongues is real today. I have not found any documented cases of someone who did not know a certain language, suddenly speaking it and others understanding it. This was needed in the first century to spread the Gospel quickly, but today it is no longer needed. Most countries have too many who speak other languages now, and there are apps that will translate automatically.
Prophetic Tongues – When one speaks a prophetic word from God, in a different language (known or unknown) and then when they are done, either they or someone else will interpret it for all to understand.
I do believe this is real, however there are rules that must be followed and Paul made them very clear.
1 Corinthians 14:27-28 (NASB)
27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, it should be by two or at the most three, and each in turn, and one must interpret; 28 but if there is no interpreter, he must keep silent in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God.
-1) When speaking in prophetic tongues, there should never be more than 2 or three at most who do.
-2) They must take turns in an orderly fashion.
-3) There must be an interpreter.
-4) If one speaks and there is no interpreter, they are no longer to speak in church but they should keep it between themselves and God and do it at home.
Praying in Tongues – When one is in deep prayer and the Holy Spirit takes over and prays in a different tongue or through groaning and other sounds.
This is a prayer between you and God, when the Holy Spirit takes over and prays for you and through you. This is to be done at home and not in church. There are many churches that promote everyone praying in tongues during their praise and worship service, but this is not the way it should be done according to the word of God.
1 Corinthians 14:22-25 (NASB)
22 So then tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophecy is for a sign, not to unbelievers but to those who believe. 23 Therefore if the whole church assembles together and all speak in tongues, and ungifted men or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad?
As much as church is for the believer to have fellowship and get guidance in their walk with God, the church service is also meant for the unbeliever to hear the gospel of Christ. We are not to all be speaking in tongues at the same time because that will only come across as crazy to the unbeliever. Praying in tongues is not for the unbeliever but for the believer and should be done at home between them and God.
This is also connected to the prophetic tongues where the verse says that only two or three should speak and they should take turns and only if there is an interpreter. If there is no interpreter they are to not do it in church but only at home between them and God? Why? Because if there is no interpreter, then it was not a prophetic tongue but it was praying in tongues, for a prophetic tongue will always have an interpretation.
Should All Believers Speak in Tongues?
There are churches that teach that every Born Again Believer should speak in tongues. They will give reasons for their beliefs, but what they are teaching is contradicting to the word of God.
1 Corinthians 12:11 (NASB)
11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.
1 Corinthians 12:30 (NASB)
30 All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they?
1 Corinthians 12:10 (NASB)
10 and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues.
It is obvious by these three verses that not all believers will receive the same gifts. There is not one gift that all believers will receive. We are each given the gifts according to the will of the Holy Spirit. He alone decides which gifts He will give to each of us.
What of those who say that speaking in tongues is of the devil?
There are some denominations that say this. The problem is people have a bad habit of taking everything to the extreme. The belief that all tongues have seized and today it is of the devil is taking things to the edge of extreme. There simply is no real scripture that says tongues has stopped. All they have is one scripture that they interpret to mean as much. That simply is not strong enough proof for me.
1 Corinthians 13:8-10 (NASB)
8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part; 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
This verse clearly says that at one point, tongues will seize. Some believe the “perfect” was the completion of the original manuscripts for God’s Word. So once the Bible was finished, there was no need for tongues and it seized. I think this is a stretch.
First let me point out that this scripture says when the perfect comes, the “partial” will be done away. What is the partial? It says we know in part and we prophecy in part. Obviously knowledge and prophecy is the partial. It never connects tongues with the partial.
Second, I will add that the “perfect” is likely Jesus. In fact, the scripture shows us that just a couple verses later.
1 Corinthians 13:12 (NASB)
12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
As I pointed out already, the earlier verses said we know in part and we prophecy in part. Here it once again connects to that by saying “now I know in part”. Then it continues on to say “but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.” We are fully known by God. When Jesus returns, we will then have full knowledge and understanding. That is when we will no longer need to gain knowledge anymore. I believe the “perfect” that is to come, is Jesus.
As for tongues, it does say however that it will cease. The thing is, it never says when. It is purely a stretch of interpretation to claim it was when the Bible was completed. It also never says all of tongues will seize. Tongues is the only gift that the Bible clearly says can come in different types. I believe that “Speaking” in tongues where we speak a different known language to break down language barriers has seized.
Either way, there simply is not enough evidence that tongues has seized altogether that I would ever venture to say it is of the devil. Yet there is one way I would say that. I would say it in a sense as how we use it. The denominations that teach that every Born Again believer should speak in tongues, is in fact doing something that is of the devil. They are teaching people to speak a false tongue.
When I was younger, I went down for prayer at a convention, wanting to receive the Holy Spirit. I didn’t understand at the time that everyone receives the Holy Spirit the moment we believe. I had several men placing their hands on my head and shoulders and praying over me to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and to speak in tongues. After it went on for a while, they started urging me to just make sounds and move my lips and tongue to make syllables but don’t form any real words. Basically, they were teaching me “how” to speak in tongues.
After this went on for a bit longer, I just did what they said and began making up gibberish and they started praising God that I was speaking in tongues. For a couple years I actually believed that was speaking in tongues. Then I fell into a life of sin that kept me in misery for 30 years. When I returned to God and actually started studying the Bible, I learned that there was not one case in the Bible where someone had to be taught “how” to speak in tongues. In fact, there is not even one case where someone chooses on their own initiative to speak in tongues. It always happens on its own. When the Holy Spirit chooses to do it.
1 Corinthians 14:18 (NASB)
18 I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you all;
Think about what Paul is saying here. Why would he thank God that he speaks in tongues more than others if he chooses when to speak in tongues? That would be like me saying, I thank God I tell jokes more than other people. Or someone saying they thank God they play video games more than others. Why would you thank God you do something more if you choose when to do it? The fact he says this, tells me that when one speaks in tongues, it is the Holy Spirit choosing to do it and the person has no control of it. It just happens.
Yet we have churches with thousands of members teaching people how to speak in tongues and doing it when they choose to do it. I have no doubt whatsoever that the vast majority of people who speak in tongues, are speaking a false tongue. They are doing nothing more than making up gibberish and believing they are speaking in tongues and they simply don’t know any better. And what happens when they learn the truth? They very well may feel betrayed they were taught wrong. Feel they were duped and then question everything they were taught. They can lose faith!
Let me be clear here. I do not mean this article to be a part of destroying someone’s faith. Please remember that I once was taught the same thing. A part of me felt betrayed and duped as well. You need to realize that it was not someone taking advantage of you. It is a lack of understanding the truth. It does not change the truth of everything else you were taught. The Gospel of Christ is still true. Your salvation is still real. You only need to accept that maybe, just maybe, you don’t actually speak in tongues… and that is okay.
What about the gift of Healing?
Sadly, there are a whole lot of fake ministers out there performing fake healing services to get money and notoriety. However, if it was all fake, why would the devil have ever started it? For the amount of people who have turned their life over to Jesus from watching what they believed were miracles, and the few who turned away because they believed it was fake, the devil would have been doing more good for Christ than bad. That is never what the devil does.
The truth is, healing is real. There are real cases of people being healed in church services when hands are laid on them. If every case was real, the amount of people who would turn to Jesus would be unbelievable. That’s why the devil pushed for so many to fake it for money. Because so many have been busted as being fake, the world sees it as fake and so there are not as many who will turn to Christ over what they see on TV.
How can I be certain some is real? Because I am one person who has experienced it for real in my life.
When I was a teen, my back started hurting. I had pain that would shoot through my lower back if I twisted wrong or lifted something too heavy, and would drop me instantly to my knees. To get out of bed in the mornings, I had to slowly roll over to my stomach, slide my legs off the bed and lower myself to my knees and then get up from my knees. I could not be laying on my back and just sit up.
One night my pastor did something I had never heard of him doing in 3 or 4 years I had been going to the church. He held a special healing service. It was a large church and I went and sat in the balcony section. I was not a big believer in healing, so I started praying to God that if He wanted me to go down for healing, He was going to have to make it very clear to me. The very moment I said “Amen”, the pastor stopped and spoke to us. He went on to say how there was someone who had back pain. He went on to describe in detail exactly what I had to do to get out of bed. The clear description along with the timing of it coming as soon as I finished praying made it clear enough for me and I went down to the crowd who was down their being laid hands on.
I had my eyes closed and my hands in the air, praising God when I heard my pastor draw near to me. He didn’t stop or anything, he just walked by praying in tongues and I felt his hand touch my head as he walked by. I felt myself falling backwards and I realized nobody was catching me, yet I could not move to try to catch myself. I felt myself hit the floor and felt the motion of a little bounce. I never felt an impact though. It felt like I felt and bounced off a cloud.
I have no idea how long I laid there on the floor. After a little bit, I wanted to get up but I couldn’t get myself to move a finger. Finally after a little bit longer, I felt something release and suddenly I knew I could move. I sat up and got to my feet and walked back to my pew up in the balcony. I never felt a single pain in getting up from my back.
My mother told me that night that the devil would try to steal that healing from me someday. If I ever feel that pain come back, I needed to immediately thank God for healing me and keep it. A few days that exact thing happened and I thanked God, and the pain immediately disappeared. I am 53 as I type this and to this day I still have never felt that same pain again.
As I said, I know the vast majority of what you see on TV is fake. I do not deny that. What I do know for certain, without a doubt, is that some of it is real. I experienced what they call being “Slain in the Spirit”. I had my back healed. I do not doubt it is real now.
Some out there will think I am lying. That is up to you to decide what you feel. Anyone who knows me personally would know I am not the type to just make up lies. I am not even the kind of person who likes to exaggerate. The truth is too important to me.
There are some who may try to believe that it had to be the devil that healed me then. This is impossible according to the Bible. Jesus clearly says that a house divided against itself cannot stand. The devil is not going to heal someone in the name of Jesus. He will fake it in the name of Jesus just so it can be shown to be fake, but he will never actually heal someone in Jesus’ name.
I was slain in the spirit. I was healed. It was done in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt in my mind that it was God who healed me! There is no doubt that healing does sometimes happen for real.
The thing is, I don’t personally believe that there is anyone who has the gift of healing in the same way they did in the first century. We do not have people walking around and laying hands on the diseased and healing them. If anyone does have that ability, I would like to know why they have not spent their time in children’s hospitals.
In the days of the apostles, they could choose to heal someone and that person would be healed. Today the gift of Healing does not work that way. It is the Holy Spirit Who decides when to manifest Himself in that way and heal people. Sometimes He will. Too often He will not.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are real. I do not doubt that. However, I believe they are not as strong as they were in the first century and for good reason. The gifts like healing, tongues, and prophecy I believe are more dependent on faith.
Jesus did not have His own powers that he performed all of His miracles with. The Bible gives us many verses that show those miracles were performed by the Father or the Holy Spirit, through Jesus and done out of faith. His disciples lived with Jesus for over three years and witnessed Him doing far more miracles on likely a daily basis than we even read about in the Bible. That personal experience was instrumental on giving them a faith that was very great in the end. When they witnessed Jesus alive and risen from the dead, that built upon their faith in a huge way. The miracles they performed were also through faith.
As they all died off, there were no longer anyone who actually witnessed all of those miracles of Jesus first hand. It was not long before there was nobody who even had any connection to Jesus other than through hearing about Him from others. Their faith was nowhere near as strong as those who personally witnessed His resurrection. As faith has dwindled, so have the miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Today we likely have a few believers who truly pray and prophesy in tongues. There are a few who have the faith that the Holy Spirit will manifest Himself in such a way as to heal people when the timing is right. We do not have anyone who can walk around healing the blind or curing cancer. We do not have people speaking a known language they have never learned.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are real, but in no way are they the same as they were in the first century. Not only is the faith nowhere near as strong as it was then, but the times do not call for the same needs of the gifts.
Speaking in tongues was important in spreading the gospel and the preachers not needing to learn a new language as they did so. Today it is not needed for that purpose because we have so many translating programs and stuff to help break down the language barrier. Tongues as well as healing was important to show proof to the people that the God of Israel was the one True God, in order to spread the belief into different lands. Today God is not trying to get Christianity going, but He wants His people to believe without proof. To believe through faith.
Today we are growing close to the days of the End Times. There is a greater need for believers to study eschatology, teach others the truth, to discern false prophets and false teachings from the truth. There is a strong need for prayer warriors.
If your church believes every true believer should speak tongues, as I already mentioned, it is wrong. If your church believes tongues and healing are of the devil, it is wrong. Saying they are wrong, does not mean they are bad churches. They can still be very good, spirit filled churches, that just have a false understanding of certain doctrines. They truly believe they have interpreted God's Word correctly and that was where they went wrong. They tried to interpret God's Word instead of looking at the Primary verses. If they teach the truth according to salvation, they are still a good church. You don’t need to leave those churches. They may need people who can point out the truth to them in a gentle way from the inside. But if you want to leave a church over these problems, that is not wrong either. God may be leading you to a new position in your walk with Him. A new place where you can do His work.
Our main goal should not be to fight with other churches, but to focus on doing God’s work, and that is to spread the gospel to the unbelievers.