The Unbiased Truth of the Rapture: A Little Book by Kenneth J. Ester
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My Christian books are self published through Amazon KDP and are priced low because it is not all about making money for me. The most important thing is to spread God's Truth and so I offer them at lower prices in hopes more can afford to read them. My request isn't so much to push you to get others to buy them, but when you are done reading them, share them with others to learn as well. Loan them out to others. Help spread God's Truth to others. That is what is important!
One God Logic's "Little Books" are books with a lot of information packed into fewer pages. In a world where fewer and fewer people want to read long drawn out books filled with unimportant details, I am hoping to find a pleasant medium. In the end, you pay less for fewer pages being printed and you still get the important information you were looking for.
The Unbiased Truth of the Rapture will show you why one Rapture stance is literally impossible to be correct according to scripture. It backs up everything with scripture and even explains how it all makes sense logically.
The rapture is made so much more confusing than it needs to be, all due to bad doctrines being taught. People trying to twist scripture to fit beliefs that the Word of God clearly does not mean. The truth is actually very easy to find if you truly look for God's Truth and not a biased truth that fits the belief you want to believe. This is the unbiased truth of the rapture according to God's Word. It is backed up by scripture and you don't need to twist scripture to interpret its meaning to understand it either. Its all made clear with simple logic and clear scriptures. Only $5.25 at Amazon! ($0.99 for Kindle version) |