Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
Need Your Help. Not Your Money!
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I am not asking for donations. OneGodLogic is a totally free website. I do not ask for donations and the only ads on the website are ads I placed for free as a kindness to friends and family. The only way I will make any money from OneGodLogic is if someone was to buy a book, and then I make very little.
OneGodLogic is not about making money. Believe me, I wont deny that I could use some financial help in my life. I work full time and over time just to make enough to pay my bills and I still need to juggle them some months. But as I said, One GodLogic is not about making money. It is about teaching the truth of God's Word. Not man's interpretations of His word but God's truth! That is what I truly care about the most.
The problem is I am not reaching very many people. The website receives very few visitors and the books do not sell. Over the last three years, I have given everything I have in me to studying God's Word, writing articles and books and building OneGodLogic. It is seriously tearing me up inside that the truth I teach is reaching so few people.
It is a very difficult thing for a man to do to admit he is failing. I am seriously failing! I also realize I cannot do it without your help. So I am asking for that help from the bottom of my heart.
If OneGodLogic has been of help to you, or if God has placed in your heart a desire to help, then just go to the main page and add this website to your bookmarks/favorites. The more people who add it, the more Google will recognize it and raise it in their rankings so it will come up in Google Searches.
If you want to do more than that, please add a link to OneGodLogic to websites/forums/social media that you are a part of. The more links that lead back to OneGodLogic, the better.
With this understood, I will also admit that if God decides to truly bless me through a donation, I am not going to deny Him His blessing. IF you truly feel God is wanting you to donate, please do so through PayPal to [email protected].
I would also prefer you to buy one of my books, even multiple copies and give them out or leave them places for people. That way the little I make from a self published book would help me, and at the same time the book can make a difference for someone who finds it. If I had a choice, I would prefer the book to be my book on "Understanding Salvation" or "Jesus Died for Homosexuals Too." It is understand, the unsaved we wish to reach the most.
My Books
I am not asking for donations. OneGodLogic is a totally free website. I do not ask for donations and the only ads on the website are ads I placed for free as a kindness to friends and family. The only way I will make any money from OneGodLogic is if someone was to buy a book, and then I make very little.
OneGodLogic is not about making money. Believe me, I wont deny that I could use some financial help in my life. I work full time and over time just to make enough to pay my bills and I still need to juggle them some months. But as I said, One GodLogic is not about making money. It is about teaching the truth of God's Word. Not man's interpretations of His word but God's truth! That is what I truly care about the most.
The problem is I am not reaching very many people. The website receives very few visitors and the books do not sell. Over the last three years, I have given everything I have in me to studying God's Word, writing articles and books and building OneGodLogic. It is seriously tearing me up inside that the truth I teach is reaching so few people.
It is a very difficult thing for a man to do to admit he is failing. I am seriously failing! I also realize I cannot do it without your help. So I am asking for that help from the bottom of my heart.
If OneGodLogic has been of help to you, or if God has placed in your heart a desire to help, then just go to the main page and add this website to your bookmarks/favorites. The more people who add it, the more Google will recognize it and raise it in their rankings so it will come up in Google Searches.
If you want to do more than that, please add a link to OneGodLogic to websites/forums/social media that you are a part of. The more links that lead back to OneGodLogic, the better.
With this understood, I will also admit that if God decides to truly bless me through a donation, I am not going to deny Him His blessing. IF you truly feel God is wanting you to donate, please do so through PayPal to [email protected].
I would also prefer you to buy one of my books, even multiple copies and give them out or leave them places for people. That way the little I make from a self published book would help me, and at the same time the book can make a difference for someone who finds it. If I had a choice, I would prefer the book to be my book on "Understanding Salvation" or "Jesus Died for Homosexuals Too." It is understand, the unsaved we wish to reach the most.
My Books