Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
Countering Post-Trib Rapture: It Happens at the Last Trumpet
The two most common positions on the rapture by a large margin is the Post-Tribulation and the Pre-Tribulation. Logically, by proving the Post-Tribulation stance wrong, you strengthen the Pre-tribulation stance. This is one of a series of articles to counter some of the Post-Tribulation arguments.
Another Post-Tribulation argument is that Matthew 24 and Mark 13 are clear that the church is handed over to Tribulation in the last days.
In Matthew for instance, the disciples point out the amazing buildings to Jesus. Who responds by telling them that the day is coming when all the buildings in Jerusalem will be destroyed. The disciples ask Him then when these things will happen and Jesus goes on to tell them about the End Times before He returns in the Second Coming. Among this chapter is this verse...
Matthew 24:9 (NASB)
9 “Then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.
Post-Tribbers argue that this is proof positive that we will go through the Tribulation and will not be raptured before it. The problem is, they are assuming something really critical here. That Jesus is talking about the church.
Jesus clearly says they will hand "you" over to tribulation. Now we know He was not meaning those disciples specifically, because they would be twice as old as Adam was when He died right now. So they assume the "you" must be the church. However, what I have a major problem with here is that when Jesus said this, the church does not even exist yet.
When Jesus came, He came for the Jews. Not the gentiles. All of His sermons were to Jews. When a gentile woman asked Him to heal her child, He at first denied her, referring to the Jews as children and her as a dog. Her reply was that even the dogs get scraps. Salvation was also offered only to the Jews at first. It was not until later in Acts when salvation is offered to the gentiles as well.
The entire Old Testament was about the Jews. The four gospels was about Jesus teaching the Jews. So when Jesus is talking to His disciples in Matthew 24, He is not speaking to the church which does not even exist yet. He is speaking to the Jews.
Now there is no doubt that the antichrist will persecute Christians too. Scripture clearly states that he will be given authority over them for 42 months. But this does not happen right away. The Christians will get caught up in the persecution as well, but here in Matthew, He is not speaking of the Christians because they do not exist yet.
So how can the church face persecution in the end times if it is raptured before the tribulation? It doesnt. The church does not. THe Tribulation Saints will. The church today is the bride of Christ. It will be raptured. There will be many who know the Bible who do not believe in their hearts who will be left behind. These will see the rapture as absolute proof that the Bible was all true from the start. THey will become the new Christians. The Saints who will suffer through the Tribulation. The Tribulation Saints will be the ones who will be caught up in the persecution, but they are not the church of today. They are not the bride of the Lamb.
Today, every believer is saved. Anyone who truly believes in Jesus as Lord is saved. Period! When Jesus comes in the clouds, they will be taken. The Tribulation Saints are not saved by faith alone. The Bible is clear. They need to deny the antichrist and refuse taking the mark of the beast. Anyone who does take the mark will suffer in the Lake of Fire forever. Their salvation will be based on faith and works. Not faith alone. They will have to prove their faith by either dying for it, or enduring to the end.
When you read Matthew and Mark, remember that the church does not exist yet. Jesus is speaking to them as Jews. From that view point, you get a clearer understanding of the entire message.
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Another Post-Tribulation argument is that Matthew 24 and Mark 13 are clear that the church is handed over to Tribulation in the last days.
In Matthew for instance, the disciples point out the amazing buildings to Jesus. Who responds by telling them that the day is coming when all the buildings in Jerusalem will be destroyed. The disciples ask Him then when these things will happen and Jesus goes on to tell them about the End Times before He returns in the Second Coming. Among this chapter is this verse...
Matthew 24:9 (NASB)
9 “Then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.
Post-Tribbers argue that this is proof positive that we will go through the Tribulation and will not be raptured before it. The problem is, they are assuming something really critical here. That Jesus is talking about the church.
Jesus clearly says they will hand "you" over to tribulation. Now we know He was not meaning those disciples specifically, because they would be twice as old as Adam was when He died right now. So they assume the "you" must be the church. However, what I have a major problem with here is that when Jesus said this, the church does not even exist yet.
When Jesus came, He came for the Jews. Not the gentiles. All of His sermons were to Jews. When a gentile woman asked Him to heal her child, He at first denied her, referring to the Jews as children and her as a dog. Her reply was that even the dogs get scraps. Salvation was also offered only to the Jews at first. It was not until later in Acts when salvation is offered to the gentiles as well.
The entire Old Testament was about the Jews. The four gospels was about Jesus teaching the Jews. So when Jesus is talking to His disciples in Matthew 24, He is not speaking to the church which does not even exist yet. He is speaking to the Jews.
Now there is no doubt that the antichrist will persecute Christians too. Scripture clearly states that he will be given authority over them for 42 months. But this does not happen right away. The Christians will get caught up in the persecution as well, but here in Matthew, He is not speaking of the Christians because they do not exist yet.
So how can the church face persecution in the end times if it is raptured before the tribulation? It doesnt. The church does not. THe Tribulation Saints will. The church today is the bride of Christ. It will be raptured. There will be many who know the Bible who do not believe in their hearts who will be left behind. These will see the rapture as absolute proof that the Bible was all true from the start. THey will become the new Christians. The Saints who will suffer through the Tribulation. The Tribulation Saints will be the ones who will be caught up in the persecution, but they are not the church of today. They are not the bride of the Lamb.
Today, every believer is saved. Anyone who truly believes in Jesus as Lord is saved. Period! When Jesus comes in the clouds, they will be taken. The Tribulation Saints are not saved by faith alone. The Bible is clear. They need to deny the antichrist and refuse taking the mark of the beast. Anyone who does take the mark will suffer in the Lake of Fire forever. Their salvation will be based on faith and works. Not faith alone. They will have to prove their faith by either dying for it, or enduring to the end.
When you read Matthew and Mark, remember that the church does not exist yet. Jesus is speaking to them as Jews. From that view point, you get a clearer understanding of the entire message.
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