Jesus Died for the Homosexual Too! A One God Logic Little Book by Kenneth J. Ester
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My Christian books are self published through Amazon KDP and are priced low because it is not all about making money for me. The most important thing is to spread God's Truth and so I offer them at lower prices in hopes more can afford to read them. My request isn't so much to push you to get others to buy them, but when you are done reading them, share them with others to learn as well. Loan them out to others. Help spread God's Truth to others. That is what is important!
One God Logic's "Little Books" are books with a lot of information packed into fewer pages. In a world where fewer and fewer people want to read long drawn out books filled with unimportant details, I am hoping to find a pleasant medium. In the end, you pay less for fewer pages being printed and you still get the important information you were looking for.
Jesus Died for the Homosexual Too! Christians have been attacking homosexuals for their sin for so long that it is just accepted that if one is gay, they cannot go to heaven. This is a lie based on a false doctrine taught to the mass majority of Christians. It is time to learn the truth of what God's Word really teaches!
The truth is Jesus died for everyone! Including the homosexual. They can be saved and no, they do not have to stop being gay to be saved! One God Logic's Little Book of: Jesus Died for the Homosexual Too! Presents you with the scriptures to prove homosexuals can indeed be saved and reveals the false doctrine of sin sending the believer to hell. A false doctrine based on man's false interpretations of God's Word! Only $5.99 at Amazon! ($0.99 for Kindle version) |