Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
Should politics Be in the Church?
The First Amendment says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Nowhere does this say that religion should be kept out of government but it restricts Government from controlling the Church. When our founding fathers defected from Britain's rule, they left behind a country where the church was controlled by the government. The Government could force the church to believe whatever rules it pushed on them and the church had to support the government. The fact this was the "first" amendment, shows how important this problem was to our founding fathers, many of whom were Christians. By the words of the first amendment and from what they came out of, they had no intention to restrict the church, but every intention to restrict the government from interfering with the church.
Today there are two major parties and they have become so powerful that no other party even has a remote chance of winning a major election. When it comes to voting for president of the united states, it is clearly a vote for either Democrat or Republican. If a member of another party is a Christian and all of the true Christians were to vote for him, it is likely he still will not win. What would probably happen is most of his votes would come from the republican vote, dropping the Republican party's total down and giving assurance to the Democratic party to win the vote. It is my belief that anyone who calls them self a Christian, should vote for Republican Candidates.
Why Republican over Democratic?
When I face God on judgment day, I don't want to explain why I supported a party that was essentially anti-God in all their beliefs. When it comes to abortion, God is against it and the Democrats are for it. Homosexuality? God is against it and the Democrats are for it. The Democrats have fought to remove God from our schools, "In God We Trust" from our currency and have been against just about anything pro-Christ. How can anyone possibly call them self a Christian and support the party that is essentially antichrist?
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Nowhere does this say that religion should be kept out of government but it restricts Government from controlling the Church. When our founding fathers defected from Britain's rule, they left behind a country where the church was controlled by the government. The Government could force the church to believe whatever rules it pushed on them and the church had to support the government. The fact this was the "first" amendment, shows how important this problem was to our founding fathers, many of whom were Christians. By the words of the first amendment and from what they came out of, they had no intention to restrict the church, but every intention to restrict the government from interfering with the church.
Today there are two major parties and they have become so powerful that no other party even has a remote chance of winning a major election. When it comes to voting for president of the united states, it is clearly a vote for either Democrat or Republican. If a member of another party is a Christian and all of the true Christians were to vote for him, it is likely he still will not win. What would probably happen is most of his votes would come from the republican vote, dropping the Republican party's total down and giving assurance to the Democratic party to win the vote. It is my belief that anyone who calls them self a Christian, should vote for Republican Candidates.
Why Republican over Democratic?
When I face God on judgment day, I don't want to explain why I supported a party that was essentially anti-God in all their beliefs. When it comes to abortion, God is against it and the Democrats are for it. Homosexuality? God is against it and the Democrats are for it. The Democrats have fought to remove God from our schools, "In God We Trust" from our currency and have been against just about anything pro-Christ. How can anyone possibly call them self a Christian and support the party that is essentially antichrist?
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