Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
My Complete Take on Homosexuality
Note -- I was never happy with my original article on Homosexuality. I have written a new one. As time goes by I hope I read it again and am happier with this one.
Homosexuality, sad to say, is one subject that almost everybody misunderstands. Most Christians, most of the world, and yes, even most homosexuals get it wrong.
I am going to say this first. God does not hate homosexuals. I understand there are a lot of misinformed Christians who have acted hateful towards homosexuals. I know there are some who even have said that God hates homosexuals. They are wrong. Plain and simple, they are absolutely wrong! And there will come a day when they will face God and have to explain to Him why they portrayed Him so wrongly.
Let me be clear here. Is homosexuality a sin? Yes! I will not lie to you. It is, without a doubt, a sin. God says it is an abomination. God does hate homosexuality. You know what else God hates? Premarital sex! Lying! Stealing! Gluttony! I can spend an hour typing out different sins God hates. There is not a person on Earth who does not ever commit a sin that God hates. We all do! But does God hate me? no! Does God hate the Christians who sleep with their girlfriends? no! Does God hate the thieves and killers and liars? No! Does God hate homosexuals? Absolutely not!
I slept with my wife before I was married to her. That was a sin! Some Christians gossip behind people's backs. That is a sin. If you are a Christian and you tell a little white lie, you have sinned! You know what? That sin is actually worse than homosexuality. Do you know why? Because Christians of all people should know better! But God doesn't hate the Christian who sins and He definitely doesn't hate the Homosexual who sins.
Since we are on the subject of the wrong things Christians do against homosexuality, let me say this. It is wrong for Christians to tell homosexuals they are sinning and going to hell. Simply because it is wrong for Christians to judge the non-believers! Christians can judge other Christians to a point. We are supposed to hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable and help them stay on the right path. But Jesus is the real judge for the non-believers. To hold a non-believer accountable for a sin against God is like you playing Go Fish and me playing Euchre and telling you it's wrong to play with sevens in your hand! The non-believer is already going to end up in hell. What does it matter if they break God's rules or not? Instead of Christians judging homosexuals for sinning, they should be showing them the love of Jesus Christ and hoping to save their souls. Once they are Christians, we can help them stay away from sin. Until then, it is not our place to judge any non-believers for their sins!
I am sorry for the way so many Christians have treated you. Unfortunately, you will not love me any more for what I am going to say here. You are not born gay!
People are not born sexually inclined in either direction. For at least the first few years of life, we do not have a sexual thought in our heads, nor do we have any kind of sexual urge. You will never find a one or two year old who looks at a boy or girl and has sexual thoughts unless they have been corrupted by an adult already. It never comes natural at that age. Never! From the day we are born until at least a few years old, and likely several years old, we are not born gay any more than we are born straight. We simply are not born with any sexual inclinations!
Why are people gay? Life! Experiences! From the day we are born, we soak in every tiny micro-experience. Thousands if not millions every day. Someone with dark hair can have a loud voice that scares you when you are young. That can have a small effect on whether we like brunettes or blonds or redheads. Someone with dark hair might have just the right technique of holding you as a baby or hugging you as you grow. That can offset the bad from the loud voice. Everything we touch, see, hear and feel has some sort of effect on who we become. Those experiences will accumulate by thousands or millions every day and slowly develop what color hair you like, what body shape we like, what kind of people we enjoy being around, whether we like sports or music or cooking. Whether we like comedies, horrors, dramas, or whatever. As we get older it all will affect whether we like sex behind closed doors, or taking chances doing things in public, or bondage or whatever. It will affect who we are in every way. It can have a big effect on whether we like the same sex or the opposite sex.
Many homosexuals believe there is a gene that makes them gay. There is no gay gene. Trust me, if there was, as much as science has looked to prove it, they would have found it by now. Believing in a gay gene is nothing more than a great desire to find some evidence as to why you are gay rather than believing you are messed up in the head. There is no gay gene and yes, you are messed up in the head. Just like every single one of us living in this world today!
I won't go into it, but there are sexual things that I believe are wrong that arouse me. I am absolutely messed up in the head. Everyone has issues in their life that they are dealing with. Some people cant help but to shop lift. Some lie a lot. Some people cannot stop from exaggerating. Look at how many women in this world will throw away good loving caring men and keep running to men who abuse them. They have issues. Those abusive men have issues. The guys who are clingy to their girls have issues. The people who are greedy, those who have no compassion for others, those who are on drugs, and alcoholics have issues. Everyone of us are messed up in the head in some way or another. The only difference between homosexuals and every other case is that homosexuals have gotten the world to accept their problem as perfectly normal. The truth is, however much the world accepts it as okay, it won't fix the problem. It only pushes away the right answers.
The Right Answers!
I once had someone who was gay ask me what they were expected to do. Always be unhappy? Because they liked people of the same sex, they believed that they would have to be unhappy for the rest of their life if they stayed away from homosexuality. At the time I had no answer for it. I was a weak Christian at the time and the Holy Spirit did not show me answers I needed.
The answer should have been "No, You are not supposed to live unhappy. You are only supposed to stay away from homosexuality." I know you are shaking your head now, right? God made it clear in the Bible and it really works the same for non-believers as well. It is just a whole lot easier to do it as a Christian. God said it is a sin to have premarital sex. God didn't say straight premarital sex or gay premarital sex. He didn't distinguish between the two because it didn't matter. Any premarital sex is wrong. If a man or woman is not married, they are supposed to refrain from sex all together.
"What?! You mean never have sex? That's crazy!"
No, not really it's not. This world has become so screwed up that it actually believe sex is the only way to be happy. I used to believe something similar. But I was wrong! As great as sex is, we really don't need it! We need love in our lives. We need companionship. We need affection to a small degree. We don't have to have sex.
There are, believe it or not, Christian men who are middle aged and have never had sex for no other reason than they believe it is a sin and they are saving it for the right one when they marry. There are many, many men who are not good looking, nerdy, have diseases or for one of hundreds of reasons have never had sex. There are many women who have not for similar reasons. Not all of them are unhappy. On the other hand, I know there are tons of people who have had a lot of sex in their lives who are not happy inside. Happiness is not about sex. And let's make one thing very clear here. The ONLY part of homosexuality that is wrong, is the sex! You can have attractions to the same sex and so long as you don't act on it, you are not doing anything wrong.
I once had someone tell me that homosexuality was not about sex, but it was about love. No, it's not. I am sorry to say this but it is not. Do you think anyone in the world would ever have looked askance at two men just living together? If two guys never had sex, and they were best companions, would there be any problems with it? Especially women in this case because nobody would even think twice if two women hung on each other a little bit and were a little more affectionate in public. It has always been accepted. God would not care if two men or two women held hands, hugged, cuddled on the couch or whatever. The problem is passionate kissing and sex. And the only reason the passionate kissing is a problem is because it will almost always lead to sexual desires.
So as a gay person, one could hang with guys, have all the fun in the world, laugh, cry, talk, play sports and games, do everything most couples do. Just don't have sex and nothing can be said. At that point you don't even need to admit to anyone you are gay because nobody cares! So if homosexuality is not about the sex, why is there even a problem? Just don't have sex!
You want us to return to closet homosexuality then!
Nope! I am saying that the only way it is closet homosexuality is if you are having sex and keeping it secret. If you don't have sex, you aren't keeping anything in the closet. You just aren't practicing homosexuality.
The answer is simple and has been all along, but because the world has accepted homosexuality, instead of looking for the correct answer to it, the whole thing has become so much muddier than it needs to be.
You're being so judgmental!
No. This is not about me telling you how wrong you are. This is simply me explaining the truths to homosexuality that the world seems to not understand. Christians have been far too judgmental for far too long. They are wrong for that. We should be showing you the love of Christ. Not the hate of misunderstanding. The world has become too politically correct and is afraid of hurting anyone's feelings but unless you are willing to let feelings be hurt enough to speak the truth, nobody can find a cure for their problems. One side wants to hate people for their problems and the other wants to pretend there is no problem. And now people seem to believe that there is no cure for homosexuality and the truth is there is. That is one thing I am completely positive of. It is called God!
It doesn't even say in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin.
Lots of people have tried to say that and many believe it. Even some pastors have accepted that as the truth. Unfortunately, the truth is the Bible does say it is wrong. Whether it uses the word "homosexuality" or not will depend on which version of the Bible you read. Some use other words. Some actually translate it to homosexuality. But even if you do not want to accept the versions that use the word "homosexuality", all you need to do is use a tiny bit of common sense when reading the Bible to know it does in fact say it is a sin.
Leviticus 18:22 'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.
Can you honestly think this is saying anything else? Sure if you really want to stretch things, you can come up with another interpretation, but if you are going to be completely honest with yourself, the simple truth is, it is saying men are not to have sex with men because it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13 'If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,
Let's look at that verse in the KJV Bible...
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Notice that there are five sins are mentioned in this verse. Only one has nothing to do with sexuality. Idolaters is to worship idols. Fornicators are those who have sex outside of marriage. Adulterers are those who cheat on their spouse. Effeminate are those men who act extremely feminine to the point of dressing feminine and such. Abusers of themselves with mankind... what do you think that would mean? One might try to say this is someone who cuts themselves for attention. Since this verse seems to be focused on the sexual perversions, I would tend to believe it means people who have sex with their own kind. Yet, even if you don't want to believe that, consider one other fact. If it is a sin for a man to just act and dress feminine (effeminate), you don't think it would be a sin to take it even further and sleep with other men? All you need to do is put this little logic with the other verses mentioned here and there is little to no doubt left that homosexuality is in fact a sin. If you need more convincing, all you have to do is use some logic when reading the rest of the Bible. In every case where it talks about marriage, it is a man and a woman. Never once does it mention two of the same sex as a good marriage. Yet in every case where it mentions men being with men, it is in the light of a bad thing. Every time!
So let's just put that to rest. Homosexuality is in fact a sin according to the Bible. Sin is not just not following the ten commandments. The word "sin" in the Bible if translated exactly, means to "miss the mark". In other words, anything we do that is not what God would want us to do, is a sin. So homosexuality is a sin, but it doesn't mean you can't be right with God. If there is one thing I am sure of, God can change you.
Oh right! I am going to pray and God is going to magically make me straight, right?
Nope. Though that is not out of the realm of possibilities, that likely won't happen. I will admit one problem I had was porn. I looked at a lot of porn. Pretty much every kind you can think of I have laid my eyes on at one time or another. I hated it! So many nights when my wife went to bed, I would look at it on-line. I hated it and every night when I finally went to bed I would insist I wouldn't look at it the next night. I would always have the intentions to do something important or creative and often it would start off that way. Too often though I went back to it. I always prayed to God asking Him to take the desire away from me even. Then he finally did. Not by magic, but by devotion. After struggling with my Christianity for 35 years, God kept calling me back and finally I truly woke up. I started praying every morning and night and often during the day. I started reading his Word every day. I spend many of my free hours studying up subjects in the Bible. Can we lose our salvation or not? Are the Gifts of tongues and healing real and are they of God or the devil? Is Christianity the right religion? I looked into Christianity and several other religions as I wrote about them here in One God Logic. You know what I learned above all other things? That where there is light, there is no darkness.
Think about that. Sit in a completely dark room and all you see is darkness. Light a match and you see light with darkness surrounding it. Turn on a light and keep making it brighter and brighter. What happens? The darkness recedes from it. Where that light reaches, there is no darkness. That is how God works. The more you fill yourself with God, the less desire you have to sin. At the time of writing this it has been near a half year since I have had any desire to look at porn of any kind. No matter how hard I tried to quit, I had no ability to even slow down. I absolutely hated it and hated myself for it but I kept doing it. Until I finally gave myself to God in truth. The more I have filled myself with God, the less I have had any desire to sin. That's how God works quite often. The more you fill yourself with God, the less sexual desire of any kind, as well as any other sin, has control over you.
I will reiterate here. It is wrong for any Christians to act hateful toward homosexuals. It is wrong for the homosexuals to believe they are born that way with absolutely no evidence to support it. It is wrong for the world to be so PC that it supports something that is immoral as normal and moral. It is wrong for anyone to tell homosexuals that they cannot ever change.
I know for a fact that some of the homosexuals I have known, in moments of honesty, have admitted that they wish they were not gay. They told me that they would be straight if they had a choice because life would be so much easier. God can make it so those desires do not have control of you. So that you can find happiness in a different way. God can even change you so that someday you find love in the opposite sex. Will He do that? I cannot promise what God's will is. God may want to use you the way you are. If you, being gay, can turn away those desires and find happiness in God, then you will shine as a beacon for others who hear your story. How God uses you, and what God does with your life, I cannot say. All I can promise is that you can live your life of homosexuality and if you are truly happy with that life, then what can I say, I will not say you are evil or anything for it. But if you are not truly happy inside, and homosexuality has caused you grief and pain, you don't have to believe that there is no choice for you. Some Christians will try to say you cannot be gay and be a Christian, but the truth is ***you only cannot be practicing homosexuality and be right with God at the same time*** (This sentence is corrected at the end of the article.) But if you give God a true chance and you truly give yourself over to Him and fill yourself with His Word, you can find that there is a way to happiness that is not controlled by carnal desires of any kind.
Whatever you choose in life, you will never find me hating you for it. You will never find me saying you are evil. But I will never say you are better off living a gay lifestyle than living for God. Because that simply is never true.
*** I have always believed you cannot be a practicing homosexual and be a Christian at the same time. I now believe that is wrong. In studying the Bible, I have learned that the Bible never once says that your ability to refrain from sin is how you get to heaven. It clearly says over and over that we are saved through our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior. If we believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, and we confess aloud that Jesus is Lord, we will be saved. God never tells anyone they need to clean up their act before they can accept Jesus as their Savior. God will take us as we are. As sinners. He will change us and give us new spirits. As our relationship grows with God, God will continue to change us for the better. You do not have to quit being gay to accept Jesus as your Lord. You just have to truly believe Jesus is the Son of God and He was raised from the dead. If you truly believe that, then all you need to do is be "willing" to let homosexuality go as God changes your heart. It might be instant. It might be a slow process. God will change you if you continue to fill your life with Him.
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Homosexuality, sad to say, is one subject that almost everybody misunderstands. Most Christians, most of the world, and yes, even most homosexuals get it wrong.
I am going to say this first. God does not hate homosexuals. I understand there are a lot of misinformed Christians who have acted hateful towards homosexuals. I know there are some who even have said that God hates homosexuals. They are wrong. Plain and simple, they are absolutely wrong! And there will come a day when they will face God and have to explain to Him why they portrayed Him so wrongly.
Let me be clear here. Is homosexuality a sin? Yes! I will not lie to you. It is, without a doubt, a sin. God says it is an abomination. God does hate homosexuality. You know what else God hates? Premarital sex! Lying! Stealing! Gluttony! I can spend an hour typing out different sins God hates. There is not a person on Earth who does not ever commit a sin that God hates. We all do! But does God hate me? no! Does God hate the Christians who sleep with their girlfriends? no! Does God hate the thieves and killers and liars? No! Does God hate homosexuals? Absolutely not!
I slept with my wife before I was married to her. That was a sin! Some Christians gossip behind people's backs. That is a sin. If you are a Christian and you tell a little white lie, you have sinned! You know what? That sin is actually worse than homosexuality. Do you know why? Because Christians of all people should know better! But God doesn't hate the Christian who sins and He definitely doesn't hate the Homosexual who sins.
Since we are on the subject of the wrong things Christians do against homosexuality, let me say this. It is wrong for Christians to tell homosexuals they are sinning and going to hell. Simply because it is wrong for Christians to judge the non-believers! Christians can judge other Christians to a point. We are supposed to hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable and help them stay on the right path. But Jesus is the real judge for the non-believers. To hold a non-believer accountable for a sin against God is like you playing Go Fish and me playing Euchre and telling you it's wrong to play with sevens in your hand! The non-believer is already going to end up in hell. What does it matter if they break God's rules or not? Instead of Christians judging homosexuals for sinning, they should be showing them the love of Jesus Christ and hoping to save their souls. Once they are Christians, we can help them stay away from sin. Until then, it is not our place to judge any non-believers for their sins!
I am sorry for the way so many Christians have treated you. Unfortunately, you will not love me any more for what I am going to say here. You are not born gay!
People are not born sexually inclined in either direction. For at least the first few years of life, we do not have a sexual thought in our heads, nor do we have any kind of sexual urge. You will never find a one or two year old who looks at a boy or girl and has sexual thoughts unless they have been corrupted by an adult already. It never comes natural at that age. Never! From the day we are born until at least a few years old, and likely several years old, we are not born gay any more than we are born straight. We simply are not born with any sexual inclinations!
Why are people gay? Life! Experiences! From the day we are born, we soak in every tiny micro-experience. Thousands if not millions every day. Someone with dark hair can have a loud voice that scares you when you are young. That can have a small effect on whether we like brunettes or blonds or redheads. Someone with dark hair might have just the right technique of holding you as a baby or hugging you as you grow. That can offset the bad from the loud voice. Everything we touch, see, hear and feel has some sort of effect on who we become. Those experiences will accumulate by thousands or millions every day and slowly develop what color hair you like, what body shape we like, what kind of people we enjoy being around, whether we like sports or music or cooking. Whether we like comedies, horrors, dramas, or whatever. As we get older it all will affect whether we like sex behind closed doors, or taking chances doing things in public, or bondage or whatever. It will affect who we are in every way. It can have a big effect on whether we like the same sex or the opposite sex.
Many homosexuals believe there is a gene that makes them gay. There is no gay gene. Trust me, if there was, as much as science has looked to prove it, they would have found it by now. Believing in a gay gene is nothing more than a great desire to find some evidence as to why you are gay rather than believing you are messed up in the head. There is no gay gene and yes, you are messed up in the head. Just like every single one of us living in this world today!
I won't go into it, but there are sexual things that I believe are wrong that arouse me. I am absolutely messed up in the head. Everyone has issues in their life that they are dealing with. Some people cant help but to shop lift. Some lie a lot. Some people cannot stop from exaggerating. Look at how many women in this world will throw away good loving caring men and keep running to men who abuse them. They have issues. Those abusive men have issues. The guys who are clingy to their girls have issues. The people who are greedy, those who have no compassion for others, those who are on drugs, and alcoholics have issues. Everyone of us are messed up in the head in some way or another. The only difference between homosexuals and every other case is that homosexuals have gotten the world to accept their problem as perfectly normal. The truth is, however much the world accepts it as okay, it won't fix the problem. It only pushes away the right answers.
The Right Answers!
I once had someone who was gay ask me what they were expected to do. Always be unhappy? Because they liked people of the same sex, they believed that they would have to be unhappy for the rest of their life if they stayed away from homosexuality. At the time I had no answer for it. I was a weak Christian at the time and the Holy Spirit did not show me answers I needed.
The answer should have been "No, You are not supposed to live unhappy. You are only supposed to stay away from homosexuality." I know you are shaking your head now, right? God made it clear in the Bible and it really works the same for non-believers as well. It is just a whole lot easier to do it as a Christian. God said it is a sin to have premarital sex. God didn't say straight premarital sex or gay premarital sex. He didn't distinguish between the two because it didn't matter. Any premarital sex is wrong. If a man or woman is not married, they are supposed to refrain from sex all together.
"What?! You mean never have sex? That's crazy!"
No, not really it's not. This world has become so screwed up that it actually believe sex is the only way to be happy. I used to believe something similar. But I was wrong! As great as sex is, we really don't need it! We need love in our lives. We need companionship. We need affection to a small degree. We don't have to have sex.
There are, believe it or not, Christian men who are middle aged and have never had sex for no other reason than they believe it is a sin and they are saving it for the right one when they marry. There are many, many men who are not good looking, nerdy, have diseases or for one of hundreds of reasons have never had sex. There are many women who have not for similar reasons. Not all of them are unhappy. On the other hand, I know there are tons of people who have had a lot of sex in their lives who are not happy inside. Happiness is not about sex. And let's make one thing very clear here. The ONLY part of homosexuality that is wrong, is the sex! You can have attractions to the same sex and so long as you don't act on it, you are not doing anything wrong.
I once had someone tell me that homosexuality was not about sex, but it was about love. No, it's not. I am sorry to say this but it is not. Do you think anyone in the world would ever have looked askance at two men just living together? If two guys never had sex, and they were best companions, would there be any problems with it? Especially women in this case because nobody would even think twice if two women hung on each other a little bit and were a little more affectionate in public. It has always been accepted. God would not care if two men or two women held hands, hugged, cuddled on the couch or whatever. The problem is passionate kissing and sex. And the only reason the passionate kissing is a problem is because it will almost always lead to sexual desires.
So as a gay person, one could hang with guys, have all the fun in the world, laugh, cry, talk, play sports and games, do everything most couples do. Just don't have sex and nothing can be said. At that point you don't even need to admit to anyone you are gay because nobody cares! So if homosexuality is not about the sex, why is there even a problem? Just don't have sex!
You want us to return to closet homosexuality then!
Nope! I am saying that the only way it is closet homosexuality is if you are having sex and keeping it secret. If you don't have sex, you aren't keeping anything in the closet. You just aren't practicing homosexuality.
The answer is simple and has been all along, but because the world has accepted homosexuality, instead of looking for the correct answer to it, the whole thing has become so much muddier than it needs to be.
You're being so judgmental!
No. This is not about me telling you how wrong you are. This is simply me explaining the truths to homosexuality that the world seems to not understand. Christians have been far too judgmental for far too long. They are wrong for that. We should be showing you the love of Christ. Not the hate of misunderstanding. The world has become too politically correct and is afraid of hurting anyone's feelings but unless you are willing to let feelings be hurt enough to speak the truth, nobody can find a cure for their problems. One side wants to hate people for their problems and the other wants to pretend there is no problem. And now people seem to believe that there is no cure for homosexuality and the truth is there is. That is one thing I am completely positive of. It is called God!
It doesn't even say in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin.
Lots of people have tried to say that and many believe it. Even some pastors have accepted that as the truth. Unfortunately, the truth is the Bible does say it is wrong. Whether it uses the word "homosexuality" or not will depend on which version of the Bible you read. Some use other words. Some actually translate it to homosexuality. But even if you do not want to accept the versions that use the word "homosexuality", all you need to do is use a tiny bit of common sense when reading the Bible to know it does in fact say it is a sin.
Leviticus 18:22 'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.
Can you honestly think this is saying anything else? Sure if you really want to stretch things, you can come up with another interpretation, but if you are going to be completely honest with yourself, the simple truth is, it is saying men are not to have sex with men because it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13 'If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,
Let's look at that verse in the KJV Bible...
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Notice that there are five sins are mentioned in this verse. Only one has nothing to do with sexuality. Idolaters is to worship idols. Fornicators are those who have sex outside of marriage. Adulterers are those who cheat on their spouse. Effeminate are those men who act extremely feminine to the point of dressing feminine and such. Abusers of themselves with mankind... what do you think that would mean? One might try to say this is someone who cuts themselves for attention. Since this verse seems to be focused on the sexual perversions, I would tend to believe it means people who have sex with their own kind. Yet, even if you don't want to believe that, consider one other fact. If it is a sin for a man to just act and dress feminine (effeminate), you don't think it would be a sin to take it even further and sleep with other men? All you need to do is put this little logic with the other verses mentioned here and there is little to no doubt left that homosexuality is in fact a sin. If you need more convincing, all you have to do is use some logic when reading the rest of the Bible. In every case where it talks about marriage, it is a man and a woman. Never once does it mention two of the same sex as a good marriage. Yet in every case where it mentions men being with men, it is in the light of a bad thing. Every time!
So let's just put that to rest. Homosexuality is in fact a sin according to the Bible. Sin is not just not following the ten commandments. The word "sin" in the Bible if translated exactly, means to "miss the mark". In other words, anything we do that is not what God would want us to do, is a sin. So homosexuality is a sin, but it doesn't mean you can't be right with God. If there is one thing I am sure of, God can change you.
Oh right! I am going to pray and God is going to magically make me straight, right?
Nope. Though that is not out of the realm of possibilities, that likely won't happen. I will admit one problem I had was porn. I looked at a lot of porn. Pretty much every kind you can think of I have laid my eyes on at one time or another. I hated it! So many nights when my wife went to bed, I would look at it on-line. I hated it and every night when I finally went to bed I would insist I wouldn't look at it the next night. I would always have the intentions to do something important or creative and often it would start off that way. Too often though I went back to it. I always prayed to God asking Him to take the desire away from me even. Then he finally did. Not by magic, but by devotion. After struggling with my Christianity for 35 years, God kept calling me back and finally I truly woke up. I started praying every morning and night and often during the day. I started reading his Word every day. I spend many of my free hours studying up subjects in the Bible. Can we lose our salvation or not? Are the Gifts of tongues and healing real and are they of God or the devil? Is Christianity the right religion? I looked into Christianity and several other religions as I wrote about them here in One God Logic. You know what I learned above all other things? That where there is light, there is no darkness.
Think about that. Sit in a completely dark room and all you see is darkness. Light a match and you see light with darkness surrounding it. Turn on a light and keep making it brighter and brighter. What happens? The darkness recedes from it. Where that light reaches, there is no darkness. That is how God works. The more you fill yourself with God, the less desire you have to sin. At the time of writing this it has been near a half year since I have had any desire to look at porn of any kind. No matter how hard I tried to quit, I had no ability to even slow down. I absolutely hated it and hated myself for it but I kept doing it. Until I finally gave myself to God in truth. The more I have filled myself with God, the less I have had any desire to sin. That's how God works quite often. The more you fill yourself with God, the less sexual desire of any kind, as well as any other sin, has control over you.
I will reiterate here. It is wrong for any Christians to act hateful toward homosexuals. It is wrong for the homosexuals to believe they are born that way with absolutely no evidence to support it. It is wrong for the world to be so PC that it supports something that is immoral as normal and moral. It is wrong for anyone to tell homosexuals that they cannot ever change.
I know for a fact that some of the homosexuals I have known, in moments of honesty, have admitted that they wish they were not gay. They told me that they would be straight if they had a choice because life would be so much easier. God can make it so those desires do not have control of you. So that you can find happiness in a different way. God can even change you so that someday you find love in the opposite sex. Will He do that? I cannot promise what God's will is. God may want to use you the way you are. If you, being gay, can turn away those desires and find happiness in God, then you will shine as a beacon for others who hear your story. How God uses you, and what God does with your life, I cannot say. All I can promise is that you can live your life of homosexuality and if you are truly happy with that life, then what can I say, I will not say you are evil or anything for it. But if you are not truly happy inside, and homosexuality has caused you grief and pain, you don't have to believe that there is no choice for you. Some Christians will try to say you cannot be gay and be a Christian, but the truth is ***you only cannot be practicing homosexuality and be right with God at the same time*** (This sentence is corrected at the end of the article.) But if you give God a true chance and you truly give yourself over to Him and fill yourself with His Word, you can find that there is a way to happiness that is not controlled by carnal desires of any kind.
Whatever you choose in life, you will never find me hating you for it. You will never find me saying you are evil. But I will never say you are better off living a gay lifestyle than living for God. Because that simply is never true.
*** I have always believed you cannot be a practicing homosexual and be a Christian at the same time. I now believe that is wrong. In studying the Bible, I have learned that the Bible never once says that your ability to refrain from sin is how you get to heaven. It clearly says over and over that we are saved through our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior. If we believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, and we confess aloud that Jesus is Lord, we will be saved. God never tells anyone they need to clean up their act before they can accept Jesus as their Savior. God will take us as we are. As sinners. He will change us and give us new spirits. As our relationship grows with God, God will continue to change us for the better. You do not have to quit being gay to accept Jesus as your Lord. You just have to truly believe Jesus is the Son of God and He was raised from the dead. If you truly believe that, then all you need to do is be "willing" to let homosexuality go as God changes your heart. It might be instant. It might be a slow process. God will change you if you continue to fill your life with Him.
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