Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
Homosexuals Churches are Not the Enemy of Christianity
I am not intending to promote homosexuality in any way with this. It is a sin. There is no doubt about that. The Bible is very clear it is a sin. What my intentions are here, is to bring awareness to Christians that mainstream Christianity is making a terrible mistake on how to deal with homosexuality.
For as long as I remember, Christianity has been at war with homosexuality and erroneously it has turned homosexuals into the enemy. Many Christians see them as the devil incarnate. When someone posts something about homosexuality, the Christians will jump in and say how they are going to hell and how they are an abomination etc...
When Christians talk about salvation, they will tell people that all they need to do is accept Jesus into their heart and Jesus will take them as they are. They don't need to clean up their act first. Jesus will take them just like they are and change them into what He wants them to be. For some reason that same offer is not made to homosexuals.
With homosexuals we tell them to clean up their act or they are going to hell! What happened to Jesus changing them? It has gotten so bad that Christianity has nearly turned homosexuality into the second unforgivable sin.
God is calling on homosexuals to turn to him as much as anyone else. Since the church has turned them into the enemy rather than accept them as Christians, they went out and started their own churches. These churches are not of the devil but of God. No they are not perfect sinless churches, but then again, I am unsure if that even exists today.
The fact is, if they believe in their heart that Jesus is the Son of God, they will be saved just like anyone else. Whether you like it or not! And if they focus on getting closer to God, He will change them too, just like God changed me and you. At least I hope God changed you.
Unfortunately, as with any denomination, there are always those in positions of power who are not truly of God. In this case, they have re-written the Bible and teach that homosexuality is not even a sin. This is definitely a problem, because the simple fact is, homosexuality is definitely a sin.
Here is the thing though. Those who re-wrote the Bible to make the Queen James Version are wrong to do so. Those who teach that homosexuality is not a sin are wrong to do so. They will all need to face God and explain themselves one day. Whether they are saved or burn will depend on if they believed in the heart or not. Those who are being taught however? They will not go to hell if they truly believe in their heart. If they truly believe, they will still be saved.
Romans 10:9-13 (NASB)
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
Ephesians 2:8 (NASB)
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
However, it does not mean their sin will not have any consequences. It will still have the same consequences. Sin will separate them from God in their relationship in this life. Sin will also eat away at their rewards in the afterlife.
If they stay committing the act of homosexuality, it will still hurt them. They will still be saved though. Sin does not send the believer to hell. It only hurts us in both lives. On the other hand, if they truly focus on getting right with God, they will begin to turn away from their sin. If you do believe sin will send the believer to hell, please read this article.... here.
As Christians, we need to wake up and recognize who the true enemy is. If someone lives every day for Jesus. They pray morning and night and during the day sometimes. They read the Bible every single day. They study the Bible once a week. They listen to Christian music and the go to church every week and worship the Lord. But they happen to be gay... let's take this to the extreme, if they happen to be married gay, they are still going to heaven! Will God honor that marriage in heaven? No. Will they lose some of their rewards in the afterlife? Absolutely. Will they still go to heaven? They sure will! Because we are saved by faith and not from refraining from sin.
Please people, if you are a Christian, we need to start loving other Christians, even if they are not perfect! We need to band together with the love of Jesus Christ. Not hate each other! The end times are definitely coming soon. There is no doubt of that. Jesus is going to return in our lifetime. I truly believe that! There are a lot of people who need Christ in their lives. We don't need to spend the time fighting among each other just because you don't like a sin in their lives.
Should we be holy and pure? Yes! But there is nobody in this world who is perfect! When we attack Christian homosexuals, we are acting like the Pharisees who wanted to stone Mary Magdalene. None of us are sin free, pure and holy! We all have imperfections. Thank God we can be forgiven for them. Which is what homosexuals need as much as anyone else. Forgiveness!
Christians should not condone the changing of the Bible. They should not condone teaching that homosexuality is not a sin. We should always stand for the truth! In truth however, the gay churches are not the enemy. The enemy is the one who is driving the wedge between Christians and making them hate each other instead of focusing on bring more to Christ.
I do not agree with teaching that homosexuality is okay. So I will not go to a church that teaches that. I do not agree with every believer speaking in tongues at the same time during worship service. So I will not go to a church that does that. I do not agree that the gifts of the Spirit are of the devil either, so I will not attend a church that teaches that. The truth is, there are many churches that teach something wrong. In fact I don't believe there is a church that has it all right. But that does not make the church of the devil! Those who go to those churches are not of the devil. They are not my enemy. My enemy is the one who teaches a false salvation! My enemy is the one who leads people away from Christ!
For as long as I remember, Christianity has been at war with homosexuality and erroneously it has turned homosexuals into the enemy. Many Christians see them as the devil incarnate. When someone posts something about homosexuality, the Christians will jump in and say how they are going to hell and how they are an abomination etc...
When Christians talk about salvation, they will tell people that all they need to do is accept Jesus into their heart and Jesus will take them as they are. They don't need to clean up their act first. Jesus will take them just like they are and change them into what He wants them to be. For some reason that same offer is not made to homosexuals.
With homosexuals we tell them to clean up their act or they are going to hell! What happened to Jesus changing them? It has gotten so bad that Christianity has nearly turned homosexuality into the second unforgivable sin.
God is calling on homosexuals to turn to him as much as anyone else. Since the church has turned them into the enemy rather than accept them as Christians, they went out and started their own churches. These churches are not of the devil but of God. No they are not perfect sinless churches, but then again, I am unsure if that even exists today.
The fact is, if they believe in their heart that Jesus is the Son of God, they will be saved just like anyone else. Whether you like it or not! And if they focus on getting closer to God, He will change them too, just like God changed me and you. At least I hope God changed you.
Unfortunately, as with any denomination, there are always those in positions of power who are not truly of God. In this case, they have re-written the Bible and teach that homosexuality is not even a sin. This is definitely a problem, because the simple fact is, homosexuality is definitely a sin.
Here is the thing though. Those who re-wrote the Bible to make the Queen James Version are wrong to do so. Those who teach that homosexuality is not a sin are wrong to do so. They will all need to face God and explain themselves one day. Whether they are saved or burn will depend on if they believed in the heart or not. Those who are being taught however? They will not go to hell if they truly believe in their heart. If they truly believe, they will still be saved.
Romans 10:9-13 (NASB)
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
Ephesians 2:8 (NASB)
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
However, it does not mean their sin will not have any consequences. It will still have the same consequences. Sin will separate them from God in their relationship in this life. Sin will also eat away at their rewards in the afterlife.
If they stay committing the act of homosexuality, it will still hurt them. They will still be saved though. Sin does not send the believer to hell. It only hurts us in both lives. On the other hand, if they truly focus on getting right with God, they will begin to turn away from their sin. If you do believe sin will send the believer to hell, please read this article.... here.
As Christians, we need to wake up and recognize who the true enemy is. If someone lives every day for Jesus. They pray morning and night and during the day sometimes. They read the Bible every single day. They study the Bible once a week. They listen to Christian music and the go to church every week and worship the Lord. But they happen to be gay... let's take this to the extreme, if they happen to be married gay, they are still going to heaven! Will God honor that marriage in heaven? No. Will they lose some of their rewards in the afterlife? Absolutely. Will they still go to heaven? They sure will! Because we are saved by faith and not from refraining from sin.
Please people, if you are a Christian, we need to start loving other Christians, even if they are not perfect! We need to band together with the love of Jesus Christ. Not hate each other! The end times are definitely coming soon. There is no doubt of that. Jesus is going to return in our lifetime. I truly believe that! There are a lot of people who need Christ in their lives. We don't need to spend the time fighting among each other just because you don't like a sin in their lives.
Should we be holy and pure? Yes! But there is nobody in this world who is perfect! When we attack Christian homosexuals, we are acting like the Pharisees who wanted to stone Mary Magdalene. None of us are sin free, pure and holy! We all have imperfections. Thank God we can be forgiven for them. Which is what homosexuals need as much as anyone else. Forgiveness!
Christians should not condone the changing of the Bible. They should not condone teaching that homosexuality is not a sin. We should always stand for the truth! In truth however, the gay churches are not the enemy. The enemy is the one who is driving the wedge between Christians and making them hate each other instead of focusing on bring more to Christ.
I do not agree with teaching that homosexuality is okay. So I will not go to a church that teaches that. I do not agree with every believer speaking in tongues at the same time during worship service. So I will not go to a church that does that. I do not agree that the gifts of the Spirit are of the devil either, so I will not attend a church that teaches that. The truth is, there are many churches that teach something wrong. In fact I don't believe there is a church that has it all right. But that does not make the church of the devil! Those who go to those churches are not of the devil. They are not my enemy. My enemy is the one who teaches a false salvation! My enemy is the one who leads people away from Christ!