Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
Football in Heaven
As a Lions fan, I have been through the equivalent of football hell. In my memory, and I am 55 at the time of writing this, I have witnessed only one playoff win. That was way back in 1991. In case you are bad at math that was 30 years ago.
In that time, we have had some of the greatest players of all time. Barry Sanders had abilities that the game had never witnessed and likely never will. Other great running backs will give you a highlight or two in a game. Sanders gave us an entire highlight reel every single game. Even in games when he was held to minimal yards, the runs he had to get those yards were often unbelievable. I have never seen anyone else run 30 yards, making a half dozen players miss tackling him, only to get to the line of scrimmage. He was known for having a whole lot of -1 yard runs, but to that I will say, imagine if his offensive line could actually stop a defense! I have never seen any player take a handoff and have to immediately spin away from a tackle as often as he did.
After he retired early, came Megatron. Calvin Johnson was an amazingly gifted receiver. He had great size, speed and hands. The world says Jerry Rice was the greatest receiver to ever play the game, and yet in his prime, he never commanded the attention of a defensive coordinator like Calvin did. Rice had a good run game to keep defenses honest. He typically never saw more than double coverage. Megatron saw triple coverage on a consistent basis. Yet he still broke records. He didn’t have a run game that kept a defense honest and he was often not even complimented by another worthy receiver. Defenses would put three and sometimes four defensive backs on him and they hardly slowed him down. Unfortunately without the help, the defenses could key in on him and he was being hit right after he caught the ball far too often. His body became too beat up and it just wasn’t worth all the losing, so he too retired early.
I would argue that Chris Spielman was one of the better Linebackers of his time, Darius Slay was a great Cornerback, and yes, I could put up a strong argument that Stafford was one of the best quarterbacks of all time. With no run game to keep defenses honest, as already mentioned, and often only one receiver, he consistently put up numbers that only the elite could put up. The elite always had far more to work with than he had. Sadly, the Lions never figured out how to give him a run game or a defense. When he would gain the lead late in games, the defense always gave it back up and the losses piled up.
As a Lions fan, I have witnessed some truly gifted players throughout the years. Only to watch them lose far more often than they won. It was all to the tune of only one playoff victory in over 40 years. I won’t even go into the unbelievably bad calls that always seemed to come in a key moment of a big game to beat them. It is amazing how many rules the refs seemed to just make up on the spot that always fell against the Lions. I am sure you have heard of “Completing the process of the catch.”
Even with the fact I grew up a Lions fan that is not the worst thing I have witnessed when it came to football. The worst was the slow death to the greatest part of the game. The big hit!
Today you cannot hit a receiver until after the catch is secure. You can’t lead with the helmet. You can’t hit a quarterback high. You can’t hit him low. You have to get him above the knees, below the shoulders and you cannot fall with your weight on top of him. They are trying to pacify the greatest game on earth!
Which reminds me of another great player I have watched on the Lions; Ndamukong Suh! When he came into the league, he was a terror. He literally manhandled players. He was so strong and played so hard, the NFL portrayed him as the dirtiest player in the game. He once wrapped his arms around a quarterback and the player would not fall down. Was he supposed to tackle him down and fall on top of him? That is a penalty. He couldn’t let him go, and the whistle was not blown. So he whipped the player down to the turf. Bam! He was dirty for that. He chased a quarterback from behind and gave him a shove in between the shoulder blades and got a major penalty for throwing an elbow? Even though the replay clearly showed him place his hands on the back and shove the flayer as they were running, he was fined by the NFL. Another time he got another major penalty for a horse collar when replay showed he didn’t grab the back collar of the running back, but grabbed his dreadlocks; which, by the way, is actually 100% legal in football.
Suh became known as a very dirty player and yet I had only seen him do one thing I could truly say was intentionally dirty. Which is when he tried to walk away from a lineman who was down and the guy tangled up his foot. Instead of just pulling it away, out of frustration he kicked back at him. Many would argue with me that he really was dirty. I could break down every supposedly dirty play you can show me and give a strong argument how it was not actually a dirty play. It was just a rough play. Suh was a hard rough and powerful player in a league that was already being whimpified.
All of this got me to wondering. What will football be like in heaven? Most do not realize it, but there will very likely be football in the afterlife. There is no real reason there would not be. The world has this image that when we go to heaven, we will float around in white robes playing the harp and worshiping God all hours. But that is not exactly what the Bible says. When you study God’s Word in earnest, you learn that heaven is actually temporary. Once all is said and done, we will be given a new earth and live new lives in new bodies.
The real Afterlife
Some don’t believe anyone is in heaven yet, simply because of what Jesus said…
John 3:13 (NASB)
13 No one has ascended into heaven, except He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man.
Jesus was saying that nobody had ever gone to heaven yet. Only He has been there. So many think nobody still has ever been there. The truth is, at the time Jesus said this, it was the truth. But Jesus was not saying nobody ever would. Just that at that time nobody had ever been to heaven but Him. However, we have two scriptures that tell us things changed when Jesus ascended to heaven after He rose from the dead.
Ephesians 4:8 (NASB)
8 Therefore it says, “When He ascended on high, He led captive the captives, And He gave gifts to people.”
1 Thessalonians 4:14 (NASB)
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead, so also God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep through Jesus.
Paul first tells us that when Jesus ascended to heaven, he took many with him. This is because Jesus took a section of Hades, which was called “Paradise”, with Him to heaven. At that moment the gates of heaven were opened up to all believers. He confirmed this teaching when he told us that when Jesus returns, He will bring with Him those who have died and were believers. For how could Jesus bring them with Him, if they are not in heaven?
From those two scriptures, we know that people do go to heaven when they die today, if they are saved. However, contrary to common teaching, heaven is not our permanent home after we die. In Revelation it tells us that after the day of judgment, when all the unsaved are cast into the Lake of Fire, this earth will pass away and God will give to us a new earth.
Revelation 21 (NASB)
21 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
As it goes on, it tells us how God will place on that new earth, a New Jerusalem, which will be our capital. Later in the chapter, it says this about the new Jerusalem.
Revelation 21:14 (NASB)
24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.
From this one verse, we know the New Earth will have nations and it will have kings. Jesus also tells us this…
Mark 9:35 (NASB)
35 And sitting down, He called the twelve and *said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.”
I believe He was speaking of the afterlife here. If someone strives to be first in this life, in the afterlife he will be last and servant to others. So now we can see that there will not only be kings on the New Earth, but there will be servants as well.
Many have this belief that everyone who goes to heaven will have the same rewards and be each other’s equals. There will be no hierarchy or anything. But this is not what God’s Word actually teaches. Jesus says this…
1 Corinthians 3:8 (NASB)
8 Now the one who plants and the one who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
Clearly we all receive different rewards according to our works. That begs to question. What are these rewards? Some name a simple verse that says we will receive crowns and believes that is our reward. Does that even make sense though? I have more crowns than you. Hey his crown is bigger than mine. What would that really matter? Why would that make the reward so great? What good comes from having a crown?
As I already showed you, there will be kings and servants on the new earth. There will be nations. Logically that means those nations will need to be built. We will need homes or castles designed and built. Our homes will need to be decorated. Who is going to do all of this?
Logically speaking, if there are kings and servants, there will also be laborers and designers; architects and engineers. There will likely be entertainment. Singers, poets, even comedians. Imagine a kingdom being built and all the different positions that will be needed. Now ask yourself, how will God choose who will be kings and who will be servants? How will he choose who will be the entertainers and engineers? The answer is quite simple when you use logic. God will give us our new positions according to the rewards we have accumulated in this lifetime.
Would it make sense that someone could spend their entire life serving God, and someone else could be a drug addicted rapist who turns to the Lord right before he dies and they both have the same rewards?
If someone lives their life doing evil and at their last moments turn to Christ and is saved, they will be the lowest of servants in the New Earth. Don’t get me wrong, it would still be far better than the alternative, but they will be given the position they deserve. The one who leads thousands to Christ and lives a holy life will reap great rewards and will be given a position of authority. A position doing something he loves. He will have servants waiting on him. Of course there will be the many who fall somewhere in between.
On this new earth, there will be no sadness. No hate, cruelty or disgrace. No envy, no shame and no pain. There will be no death. We will all be happy. We will all be loved and be treated with kindness. But do not make the mistake of confusing joy with enjoyment. We will all live in joy, but we will not all get to “enjoy” the new earth to the same degree. The one who reaped great rewards will have more opportunity to enjoy life to its fullest. The one who ends up a servant will live in joy, but will not have the time to enjoy the new earth to the same level.
There is another position in the new earth that I did not mention yet. The athlete! Some of our entertainment will come from sports. Competitions! There is no logical reason why we won’t have sports; baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and many other sports. Yes, even football!
Football in Heaven
Now to clarify, I use the term heaven loosely here. The natural way of thought is to call the afterlife for the saved, heaven. As I pointed out, heaven is temporary for the believer. We will not have football in heaven, but it will be on the New Earth.
There are some who have a hard time picturing us playing football. It is such a violent game after all. What they don’t consider is that we will not need to worry about injuries. Take a look at what Paul tells us…
1 Corinthians 15:50-53 (NASB)
50 Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.
When the Lord comes to get us, He will also change us. He will bring with Him the souls of all the believers who have died. First He will raise their bodies as imperishable bodies. Then, as their souls are being reunited with their bodies, those who are alive will be changed from perishable to imperishable. This way everyone will receive their glorified bodies at the same moment.
This is a big reason why on the New Earth there will be no pain or suffering or death. We will all be in bodies that cannot be hurt. They cannot be injured or grow sick or die. They will not even grow tired. Imagine what that will do for sports!
Now some seem to have this image that because our bodies will be perfect, that we will all be perfect in everything we do. There is nothing in scripture that gives this image. We will all have different talents still. We will all have different types of bodies. Some men will be thinner and others thicker, Some will be taller and some shorter. Some will have more muscle than others. The Bible doesn’t say we will all be models. It only says there will be no pain or suffering. Whatever body type we have, we will likely have in the afterlife. Possibly God will make a few changes according to our position and rewards. If someone has always dreamed of being a professional athlete but has always been too short and thin, maybe if God decides to give them their dream where they will be happiest because they earned such great rewards, He will give them a body to do it. For the most part however, we will still be us, just without the flaws.
Imagine football where there is no danger of getting hurt. No rules to protect the quarterbacks. The quarterbacks will stand in there until the last second and throw the ball down field just before a defensive end buries him into the turf. The receiver will have to jump into the air to catch the ball and as he is coming down, a safety will drive through his legs, causing him to flip end over end. The impacts will be awesome and the crowds will go crazy. And there will be no penalties for hard football and the players will pop back up, laughing. There will be no penalties for late hits, because none of the players will ever get hurt. None of the players will ever hit another out of anger. Any late hits will be honest plays where someone didn’t hear the whistle in time or something.
I can only imagine what it will be like for the players. To be playing a game like they were kids again. Playing for no other reason than because they love it. They aren’t playing for the money, so you won’t have players who only play hard on contract years. Because they love the sport and they never grow tired, they will play hard every single down! Every player, every play will be giving their all.
My Only Hope
For myself, I have no idea what my rewards will be like. I was originally saved in 1982, but I didn’t work on my relationship with the Lord back then. The devil dragged me deep into sin and for nearly 30 years I was miserable. I still believed, but I was confused and thought God didn’t want me. So many years I spent burning away my rewards instead of building them up.
At the end of 2017 God drew me back to Him and I truly gave myself over to Him for real. I have given my all to serving Him in these last few years, but I feel like all I can do is fail Him. My website gets few visitors. My articles are only seen by a handful. Hardly anyone bothers with my books. Everything I have done for Him seems to fail and my rewards will not be based on achievements, but only on effort.
I believe I will end up a servant to others. I don’t deserve more than that. My only hope is that I will be a servant to a football player or someone who is highly connected so I will have the ability to watch the games.
I truly believe there will be football in the afterlife. Maybe not right at the first while nations are first being built, but as things shape up, I believe it will be a part of our eternal lives. There is no reason I can find to think it wouldn’t be. I cannot wait to see it.
In that time, we have had some of the greatest players of all time. Barry Sanders had abilities that the game had never witnessed and likely never will. Other great running backs will give you a highlight or two in a game. Sanders gave us an entire highlight reel every single game. Even in games when he was held to minimal yards, the runs he had to get those yards were often unbelievable. I have never seen anyone else run 30 yards, making a half dozen players miss tackling him, only to get to the line of scrimmage. He was known for having a whole lot of -1 yard runs, but to that I will say, imagine if his offensive line could actually stop a defense! I have never seen any player take a handoff and have to immediately spin away from a tackle as often as he did.
After he retired early, came Megatron. Calvin Johnson was an amazingly gifted receiver. He had great size, speed and hands. The world says Jerry Rice was the greatest receiver to ever play the game, and yet in his prime, he never commanded the attention of a defensive coordinator like Calvin did. Rice had a good run game to keep defenses honest. He typically never saw more than double coverage. Megatron saw triple coverage on a consistent basis. Yet he still broke records. He didn’t have a run game that kept a defense honest and he was often not even complimented by another worthy receiver. Defenses would put three and sometimes four defensive backs on him and they hardly slowed him down. Unfortunately without the help, the defenses could key in on him and he was being hit right after he caught the ball far too often. His body became too beat up and it just wasn’t worth all the losing, so he too retired early.
I would argue that Chris Spielman was one of the better Linebackers of his time, Darius Slay was a great Cornerback, and yes, I could put up a strong argument that Stafford was one of the best quarterbacks of all time. With no run game to keep defenses honest, as already mentioned, and often only one receiver, he consistently put up numbers that only the elite could put up. The elite always had far more to work with than he had. Sadly, the Lions never figured out how to give him a run game or a defense. When he would gain the lead late in games, the defense always gave it back up and the losses piled up.
As a Lions fan, I have witnessed some truly gifted players throughout the years. Only to watch them lose far more often than they won. It was all to the tune of only one playoff victory in over 40 years. I won’t even go into the unbelievably bad calls that always seemed to come in a key moment of a big game to beat them. It is amazing how many rules the refs seemed to just make up on the spot that always fell against the Lions. I am sure you have heard of “Completing the process of the catch.”
Even with the fact I grew up a Lions fan that is not the worst thing I have witnessed when it came to football. The worst was the slow death to the greatest part of the game. The big hit!
Today you cannot hit a receiver until after the catch is secure. You can’t lead with the helmet. You can’t hit a quarterback high. You can’t hit him low. You have to get him above the knees, below the shoulders and you cannot fall with your weight on top of him. They are trying to pacify the greatest game on earth!
Which reminds me of another great player I have watched on the Lions; Ndamukong Suh! When he came into the league, he was a terror. He literally manhandled players. He was so strong and played so hard, the NFL portrayed him as the dirtiest player in the game. He once wrapped his arms around a quarterback and the player would not fall down. Was he supposed to tackle him down and fall on top of him? That is a penalty. He couldn’t let him go, and the whistle was not blown. So he whipped the player down to the turf. Bam! He was dirty for that. He chased a quarterback from behind and gave him a shove in between the shoulder blades and got a major penalty for throwing an elbow? Even though the replay clearly showed him place his hands on the back and shove the flayer as they were running, he was fined by the NFL. Another time he got another major penalty for a horse collar when replay showed he didn’t grab the back collar of the running back, but grabbed his dreadlocks; which, by the way, is actually 100% legal in football.
Suh became known as a very dirty player and yet I had only seen him do one thing I could truly say was intentionally dirty. Which is when he tried to walk away from a lineman who was down and the guy tangled up his foot. Instead of just pulling it away, out of frustration he kicked back at him. Many would argue with me that he really was dirty. I could break down every supposedly dirty play you can show me and give a strong argument how it was not actually a dirty play. It was just a rough play. Suh was a hard rough and powerful player in a league that was already being whimpified.
All of this got me to wondering. What will football be like in heaven? Most do not realize it, but there will very likely be football in the afterlife. There is no real reason there would not be. The world has this image that when we go to heaven, we will float around in white robes playing the harp and worshiping God all hours. But that is not exactly what the Bible says. When you study God’s Word in earnest, you learn that heaven is actually temporary. Once all is said and done, we will be given a new earth and live new lives in new bodies.
The real Afterlife
Some don’t believe anyone is in heaven yet, simply because of what Jesus said…
John 3:13 (NASB)
13 No one has ascended into heaven, except He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man.
Jesus was saying that nobody had ever gone to heaven yet. Only He has been there. So many think nobody still has ever been there. The truth is, at the time Jesus said this, it was the truth. But Jesus was not saying nobody ever would. Just that at that time nobody had ever been to heaven but Him. However, we have two scriptures that tell us things changed when Jesus ascended to heaven after He rose from the dead.
Ephesians 4:8 (NASB)
8 Therefore it says, “When He ascended on high, He led captive the captives, And He gave gifts to people.”
1 Thessalonians 4:14 (NASB)
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead, so also God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep through Jesus.
Paul first tells us that when Jesus ascended to heaven, he took many with him. This is because Jesus took a section of Hades, which was called “Paradise”, with Him to heaven. At that moment the gates of heaven were opened up to all believers. He confirmed this teaching when he told us that when Jesus returns, He will bring with Him those who have died and were believers. For how could Jesus bring them with Him, if they are not in heaven?
From those two scriptures, we know that people do go to heaven when they die today, if they are saved. However, contrary to common teaching, heaven is not our permanent home after we die. In Revelation it tells us that after the day of judgment, when all the unsaved are cast into the Lake of Fire, this earth will pass away and God will give to us a new earth.
Revelation 21 (NASB)
21 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
As it goes on, it tells us how God will place on that new earth, a New Jerusalem, which will be our capital. Later in the chapter, it says this about the new Jerusalem.
Revelation 21:14 (NASB)
24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.
From this one verse, we know the New Earth will have nations and it will have kings. Jesus also tells us this…
Mark 9:35 (NASB)
35 And sitting down, He called the twelve and *said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.”
I believe He was speaking of the afterlife here. If someone strives to be first in this life, in the afterlife he will be last and servant to others. So now we can see that there will not only be kings on the New Earth, but there will be servants as well.
Many have this belief that everyone who goes to heaven will have the same rewards and be each other’s equals. There will be no hierarchy or anything. But this is not what God’s Word actually teaches. Jesus says this…
1 Corinthians 3:8 (NASB)
8 Now the one who plants and the one who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
Clearly we all receive different rewards according to our works. That begs to question. What are these rewards? Some name a simple verse that says we will receive crowns and believes that is our reward. Does that even make sense though? I have more crowns than you. Hey his crown is bigger than mine. What would that really matter? Why would that make the reward so great? What good comes from having a crown?
As I already showed you, there will be kings and servants on the new earth. There will be nations. Logically that means those nations will need to be built. We will need homes or castles designed and built. Our homes will need to be decorated. Who is going to do all of this?
Logically speaking, if there are kings and servants, there will also be laborers and designers; architects and engineers. There will likely be entertainment. Singers, poets, even comedians. Imagine a kingdom being built and all the different positions that will be needed. Now ask yourself, how will God choose who will be kings and who will be servants? How will he choose who will be the entertainers and engineers? The answer is quite simple when you use logic. God will give us our new positions according to the rewards we have accumulated in this lifetime.
Would it make sense that someone could spend their entire life serving God, and someone else could be a drug addicted rapist who turns to the Lord right before he dies and they both have the same rewards?
If someone lives their life doing evil and at their last moments turn to Christ and is saved, they will be the lowest of servants in the New Earth. Don’t get me wrong, it would still be far better than the alternative, but they will be given the position they deserve. The one who leads thousands to Christ and lives a holy life will reap great rewards and will be given a position of authority. A position doing something he loves. He will have servants waiting on him. Of course there will be the many who fall somewhere in between.
On this new earth, there will be no sadness. No hate, cruelty or disgrace. No envy, no shame and no pain. There will be no death. We will all be happy. We will all be loved and be treated with kindness. But do not make the mistake of confusing joy with enjoyment. We will all live in joy, but we will not all get to “enjoy” the new earth to the same degree. The one who reaped great rewards will have more opportunity to enjoy life to its fullest. The one who ends up a servant will live in joy, but will not have the time to enjoy the new earth to the same level.
There is another position in the new earth that I did not mention yet. The athlete! Some of our entertainment will come from sports. Competitions! There is no logical reason why we won’t have sports; baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and many other sports. Yes, even football!
Football in Heaven
Now to clarify, I use the term heaven loosely here. The natural way of thought is to call the afterlife for the saved, heaven. As I pointed out, heaven is temporary for the believer. We will not have football in heaven, but it will be on the New Earth.
There are some who have a hard time picturing us playing football. It is such a violent game after all. What they don’t consider is that we will not need to worry about injuries. Take a look at what Paul tells us…
1 Corinthians 15:50-53 (NASB)
50 Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.
When the Lord comes to get us, He will also change us. He will bring with Him the souls of all the believers who have died. First He will raise their bodies as imperishable bodies. Then, as their souls are being reunited with their bodies, those who are alive will be changed from perishable to imperishable. This way everyone will receive their glorified bodies at the same moment.
This is a big reason why on the New Earth there will be no pain or suffering or death. We will all be in bodies that cannot be hurt. They cannot be injured or grow sick or die. They will not even grow tired. Imagine what that will do for sports!
Now some seem to have this image that because our bodies will be perfect, that we will all be perfect in everything we do. There is nothing in scripture that gives this image. We will all have different talents still. We will all have different types of bodies. Some men will be thinner and others thicker, Some will be taller and some shorter. Some will have more muscle than others. The Bible doesn’t say we will all be models. It only says there will be no pain or suffering. Whatever body type we have, we will likely have in the afterlife. Possibly God will make a few changes according to our position and rewards. If someone has always dreamed of being a professional athlete but has always been too short and thin, maybe if God decides to give them their dream where they will be happiest because they earned such great rewards, He will give them a body to do it. For the most part however, we will still be us, just without the flaws.
Imagine football where there is no danger of getting hurt. No rules to protect the quarterbacks. The quarterbacks will stand in there until the last second and throw the ball down field just before a defensive end buries him into the turf. The receiver will have to jump into the air to catch the ball and as he is coming down, a safety will drive through his legs, causing him to flip end over end. The impacts will be awesome and the crowds will go crazy. And there will be no penalties for hard football and the players will pop back up, laughing. There will be no penalties for late hits, because none of the players will ever get hurt. None of the players will ever hit another out of anger. Any late hits will be honest plays where someone didn’t hear the whistle in time or something.
I can only imagine what it will be like for the players. To be playing a game like they were kids again. Playing for no other reason than because they love it. They aren’t playing for the money, so you won’t have players who only play hard on contract years. Because they love the sport and they never grow tired, they will play hard every single down! Every player, every play will be giving their all.
My Only Hope
For myself, I have no idea what my rewards will be like. I was originally saved in 1982, but I didn’t work on my relationship with the Lord back then. The devil dragged me deep into sin and for nearly 30 years I was miserable. I still believed, but I was confused and thought God didn’t want me. So many years I spent burning away my rewards instead of building them up.
At the end of 2017 God drew me back to Him and I truly gave myself over to Him for real. I have given my all to serving Him in these last few years, but I feel like all I can do is fail Him. My website gets few visitors. My articles are only seen by a handful. Hardly anyone bothers with my books. Everything I have done for Him seems to fail and my rewards will not be based on achievements, but only on effort.
I believe I will end up a servant to others. I don’t deserve more than that. My only hope is that I will be a servant to a football player or someone who is highly connected so I will have the ability to watch the games.
I truly believe there will be football in the afterlife. Maybe not right at the first while nations are first being built, but as things shape up, I believe it will be a part of our eternal lives. There is no reason I can find to think it wouldn’t be. I cannot wait to see it.