Article by: Kenneth J. Ester
Flat Earth Conspiracy
For many years I heard people joke about the earth being flat. I have always thought that anyone who said they believed it was flat, were only saying so to stir the pot a little. After all, how can anyone truly believe the earth was flat? Even a basic understanding of science tells you that the earth is a sphere, right? Only they won’t accept the scientific proof. They believe all of the scientific evidence is falsified. They insist that we cannot trust science.
Let’s clear something up. There are in fact, many scientists who will do their research with a biased view. They will accept any scientific evidence that proves God is not real and anything that says God is real, they will toss out as false. With that understood, science itself is not false. Science itself is the proof of things.
For instance, at its most basics form, science says 1 + 1 = 2. If you have one apple and add one more apple to it, you will have two apples. There is nobody in their right mind who will argue this. Not even the Flat-Earthers. That is science. It is a fact that cannot be argued logically because it is proven. No matter how many times you repeat the experiment, you will never have one apple and add one more apple and get three apples. Some might try to argue that is not science but it is mathematics. The truth is, mathematics is a part of science! You would be shocked at how much of what science says is based on math.
When used correctly, science starts out as a hypothesis (an idea) or a theory (an idea based on some evidence) and as they study into it, they find more and more proof. If they find enough evidence proving the theory correct, it becomes scientific fact. If they find evidence proving it wrong, that theory is to be thrown out. But science in itself is the proof of all things. You can always trust science. You just cannot always trust the scientists.
All of the Scientists are lying to us!
Flat-earthers will claim that all of the scientists are part of a grand conspiracy, lying to us about the world in order to cover up that it is actually flat. This belief is so illogical that its hard for me to even wrap my head around the idea anyone would believe it.
There are thousands of professional scientists in the world today. There are millions of amateur scientists. Many of those scientists happen to be born again Christians. The Christians are often fighting with the secular scientists over evidence on how long ago dinosaurs actually lived. How old the earth really is and many other supposed scientific facts. Why would they suddenly be willing to sin and lie about the earth being a sphere?
To think that every scientist is a part of a grand conspiracy to cover up that the earth is flat is simply ludicrous at best. If all the secular scientists say one thing and all the Christian scientists say something else, then there is reason to believe something might not be as it seems. However, when all of them, on both sides, agree on the same fact and say it has been proven beyond any doubt? You can believe that fact is indeed a true fact.
Let’s look at the evidence on both sides.
Evidence of a Spherical Earth
Evidence of a flat earth
Flat-Earthers will claim every bit of the evidence that the earth is a sphere is false. All the millions of pictures are edited. The videos are doctored. The millions of scientists, mathematicians, astronauts, pilots, and people who know people in other countries are all a part of a grand conspiracy to cover up the fact the planet is actually flat. And what evidence do they give for their beliefs?
They give a few memes created on someone’s home computer with bits of twisted logic and some scriptures that they interpret to mean something they never say. That’s it!
In what world is this logical? In what mindset is it sensible to throw out mountains of evidence proving something to be true, and instead believing something that has no real evidence? That simply is not logical.
The Dangers of Preaching the Bible says the Earth is Flat
The vast majority of Christians also believe in scientific facts. We have learned enough for ourselves on how things work that we will not deny what has been proven to us. There is literally a mountain more evidence that the earth is a sphere than there is that God is real. If you can prove to someone that the Bible says the earth is flat, do you think that will make them stronger believers? No! The odds are much higher that they will continue to believe the earth is a sphere but now they will believe the Bible is not true! Teaching that the Bible says the World is flat can in the end, destroy someone’s faith.
I once had a small debate with an atheist who claimed he was once a Christian until someone proved to him the Bible was false. They proved it to him by showing him how it was literally impossible for the flood to have happened. They showed him that if all of the water in the atmosphere was to fall down to earth, it would not be enough to raise the oceans by more than an inch or two. That for the rain to fall hard enough to raise the oceans above the mountains inside 40 days, it would have had to come down like it was poured out of a faucet. Not in drops. This science proved to him that the Bible was false. Therefore it meant Christianity was false. He became an atheist.
However, I explained to him that the Bible doesn’t say that it was just rain that filled the earth. It also says the fountains of the deep opened up. Science has recently discovered that there is a layer beneath the surface of the earth that is made up of a water mineral. It contains enough water that if it all rose up to the surface, it could possibly cover the mountains.
Unfortunately I never received a reply from him. I have no idea if I opened his eyes to the truth of God’s Word or if he is still an atheist or what. The point is however, that it was a false belief in something that made him think that the Bible was false. That destroyed his faith. Convince someone that the Bible says the earth is flat when the world has proven it is a sphere, and it could very easily destroy their faith in the Bible. It could make them believe the Bible is just a book written by men and not truly inspired by God.
There is absolutely nothing to gain by believing the earth is flat. But by teaching the Bible says it is, you can cause people to lose their faith.
Does the Bible Say it is Flat?
Simply put? No! There are a bunch of verses that they use to interpret that it means the earth is flat, but none of them ever say it. They will give you plenty of scriptures they interpret to mean the earth is flat, but none of them, not a single one of them, are very strong evidence. Here are some of their scriptural arguments…
The Four Corners of the Earth
They give many verses that use verbiage like “the ends of the earth”, or the “four corners of the earth” as well as others and try to say that means the earth is flat. They will try to use verses about the sun moving across the sky to say it says the earth is flat and unmoving and the sun is what actually moves. They completely ignore the simple fact that those who wrote the Bible were writers.
Do you think God made someone who was illiterate pick up the pencil and write a book for the Bible? Of course not! Most people in those days didn’t know how to read and write. Many who learned did not do much of it. Those who did write did so because they were writers at heart. Much of the Old Testament is written poetically; especially Psalms and Proverbs, which is where you will find the majority of those verses.
Even in modern poetry today’s writers will use terms like the Ends of the Earth or how someone went to all corners of the earth. Today it is common to use phrases like the sun crosses the sky. When the sun goes down, it is a sunset. When it rises it is a sunrise. Does that mean we believe the sun is moving and the earth is still? No! Even those who truly believe the earth is a sphere, orbiting around the much larger sun, still call it a sunrise and sunset. You can’t take verses written poetically and say they mean the earth is flat.
The Foundation of the Earth
Flat-Earthers will also throw a whole lot of verses about the “foundation of the earth” at you. This is a ridiculous argument.
To say that if it has a foundation it must have a bottom or a base to it is silly. The foundation of a statue is what the statue sits upon. The foundation of a building is the base of the building that holds it flat and steady. Are they saying the earth has a base to it now? What is that base on? The only reason anything has a base to it, is because that base is connected to something to hold it in place.
The foundation of something is its holding point. For a planet, the foundation is its core. The center of it. This world is not just a large ball of dirt. It has layers. It has a core. It has different materials inside it. Those are the foundation of the earth. There is absolutely nothing about the world having a foundation that means it is flat. That is purely and nothing more than conjecture.
Satan Showed Jesus the whole earth.
When Satan took Jesus up to the highest mountain or tower and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, the flat-earthers will claim that is proof that the earth if flat. They say it would be impossible to see kingdoms on the other side of the world if it was a sphere.
Let’s use some of their own understanding against them here. Ask a flat-earther why there is a horizon if the earth is flat. Their answer is because there is a limit to how far the eyes can see. The horizon is that limit. So according to their own understanding, the eyes cannot see the whole earth from one place even if the earth was flat. So if that is true, then how did Satan show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world even if it was flat?
Clearly there was something very supernatural happening here. The fact that Satan took Jesus and teleported or flew to this high point is proof that this was not going according to physics. So if there was a supernatural influence happening that allowed them to see the entire world if it was flat, why couldn’t it allow them to see the entire world if it was a sphere?
Everyone will see Him coming in the clouds
Flat-Earthers will argue that the Second Coming is proof that the earth is flat. Scripture says that when Jesus returns in the Second Coming, every eye will see Him coming. This is yet another very flawed argument.
First off, I can just refer you to the last point about the Supernatural allowing them to see the entire world from one place. If it could do that, then why couldn’t it work the other way and allow everyone on the earth to look up and see Him in the sky?
However I will give you another idea that is even more logical. Where does it say that His descent is straight down? Jesus is going to be descending with a massive army of every believer and angel behind Him. Is there any reason that He couldn’t descend in an angle so that as He descends, He takes a trip around the globe so everyone will see Him and then finally land in Armageddon?
Some Flat-Earthers claim to have grown with God because of their beliefs!
Twice in my discussions with Flat-Earthers, they have claimed that as they have studied about the Flat Earth in the Bible, they have actually grown to have more faith. To me this is a natural effect. Not an effect of believing in the flat earth, but in studying God’s Word.
I don’t care if you are studying to prove the earth is flat or a sphere; whether you study the Bible to prove one doctrine or another. It doesn’t matter what you study the Bible for, if you already believe in God, studying the Bible will help your faith grow. Their faith didn’t grow because they believed in the flat earth. Their faith grew because they were studying God’s Word! No other reason!
Look, as I have pointed out, there is nothing to gain in believing the earth is flat. Nothing! The belief that the entire world, every scientist and every government are spending trillions upon trillions of dollars to change photos, pay off scientists, create videos, stage space flight, create trigonometry and laws of physics that make perfect sense but are lies, just to keep us from knowing the earth is flat when it would not serve any purpose, is silly.
To push this belief with no real evidence to support it, and to throw out mountains of evidence as lies? Illogical at best! Simply insane at worst!
Look at Logic!
Take a good look at the moon. Watch the different phases of the moon. That’s all you have to do to see absolute proof that the moon itself is a sphere. This is a kids video to explain the phases but in watching it, you realize the moon must be a sphere for the different phases to always be the same.
How is it the moon is always, always round? Do you really believe the earth is flat but the moon and every other planet is round? How is it that the moon is not ever elliptical?
Look at Polaris. Polaris is the star that is according to science, directly north of the North Pole and is the brightest star in the northern sky. Call someone in Canada or Alaska, someone far north when it is night time and ask them to describe how far above the horizon Polaris is. Then call someone in Florida or lower Texas and ask them the same thing. IF the Earth was flat, both would say it is the same distance above the horizon. But in truth, they will give you very different answers. That is because someone up north will see the star higher in the sky. Someone down south will see it closer to the horizon. That is proof the Earth is a sphere. Someone south of the equator cannot even see Polaris. People in the high north do not see the stars in the same position as those in the south.
Take a large powerful magnet and place it on a floating board that will keep it from sinking, in the middle of a pool. Then do the same with smaller magnets and place them a good distance away from the larger one. Then slowly move one of the small magnets in the direction of the large one. Once they get inside the pull of the magnet, it is the little magnets that will be pulled toward the large one. The large magnet won’t even move much.
Then try pushing the large magnet toward a small one slowly. Once it is inside the magnetic pull, it will again be the small magnet that will move the most. The large magnet will hardly move any more than it already was. Large items will draw smaller items to it. There is absolutely no way that the Earth is sitting still and flat and the sun is orbiting around the earth.
Trust Issues
So far, every Flat-Earther I have talked to, is caught up in different conspiracies and is antigovernmental. When everyone who believes something fits a particular profile, doesn’t that kind of tell you something? Why wouldn’t there be one person who is not antigovernmental and not a part of other conspiracies who sees the logic of a flat earth? Why is it that there is not one single Christian who studies science who will cave in and do the right thing and prove the earth is flat using science? Why is it that none of the many scholars who really study the Bible, believe it says the earth is flat?
When the only ones who say a black man is guilty of a crime is wearing a white hood, it is clear their judgment is biased.
When the only ones accusing Jesus were the Jews who were losing face, its easy to see their judgment was biased.
When the only ones who say you are a great singer is your parents, they are likely being biased.
When the only ones who say homosexuality is not a sin are gay, there is likely some bias in their studies.
When the only ones who say a president was horrible are those of the other party, there is likely biasness in their thinking.
So when the only ones who think the earth is flat are conspiracists…..
When the very few say something and the opposite is so clearly understood by everyone else, likely what the few say is not truth. The simply have their own agenda to support and so they will look to support that at all cost.
Let’s clear something up. There are in fact, many scientists who will do their research with a biased view. They will accept any scientific evidence that proves God is not real and anything that says God is real, they will toss out as false. With that understood, science itself is not false. Science itself is the proof of things.
For instance, at its most basics form, science says 1 + 1 = 2. If you have one apple and add one more apple to it, you will have two apples. There is nobody in their right mind who will argue this. Not even the Flat-Earthers. That is science. It is a fact that cannot be argued logically because it is proven. No matter how many times you repeat the experiment, you will never have one apple and add one more apple and get three apples. Some might try to argue that is not science but it is mathematics. The truth is, mathematics is a part of science! You would be shocked at how much of what science says is based on math.
When used correctly, science starts out as a hypothesis (an idea) or a theory (an idea based on some evidence) and as they study into it, they find more and more proof. If they find enough evidence proving the theory correct, it becomes scientific fact. If they find evidence proving it wrong, that theory is to be thrown out. But science in itself is the proof of all things. You can always trust science. You just cannot always trust the scientists.
All of the Scientists are lying to us!
Flat-earthers will claim that all of the scientists are part of a grand conspiracy, lying to us about the world in order to cover up that it is actually flat. This belief is so illogical that its hard for me to even wrap my head around the idea anyone would believe it.
There are thousands of professional scientists in the world today. There are millions of amateur scientists. Many of those scientists happen to be born again Christians. The Christians are often fighting with the secular scientists over evidence on how long ago dinosaurs actually lived. How old the earth really is and many other supposed scientific facts. Why would they suddenly be willing to sin and lie about the earth being a sphere?
To think that every scientist is a part of a grand conspiracy to cover up that the earth is flat is simply ludicrous at best. If all the secular scientists say one thing and all the Christian scientists say something else, then there is reason to believe something might not be as it seems. However, when all of them, on both sides, agree on the same fact and say it has been proven beyond any doubt? You can believe that fact is indeed a true fact.
Let’s look at the evidence on both sides.
Evidence of a Spherical Earth
- Many videos taken from space showing the earth is a sphere.
- Countless images taken from satellites in space and from astronauts.
- 99.99% if not all of thousands of professional scientists in the world says it’s a sphere.
- 99.99% of millions of amateur scientists in the world say it is a sphere.
- 99.99% of all mathematicians agree it is a sphere.
- Eye witness accounts from astronauts who have gone to space.
- Eye witness accounts from people who have flown around the world.
- People in America who know people in Australia know one place is day and the other is night.
Evidence of a flat earth
- ?
Flat-Earthers will claim every bit of the evidence that the earth is a sphere is false. All the millions of pictures are edited. The videos are doctored. The millions of scientists, mathematicians, astronauts, pilots, and people who know people in other countries are all a part of a grand conspiracy to cover up the fact the planet is actually flat. And what evidence do they give for their beliefs?
They give a few memes created on someone’s home computer with bits of twisted logic and some scriptures that they interpret to mean something they never say. That’s it!
In what world is this logical? In what mindset is it sensible to throw out mountains of evidence proving something to be true, and instead believing something that has no real evidence? That simply is not logical.
The Dangers of Preaching the Bible says the Earth is Flat
The vast majority of Christians also believe in scientific facts. We have learned enough for ourselves on how things work that we will not deny what has been proven to us. There is literally a mountain more evidence that the earth is a sphere than there is that God is real. If you can prove to someone that the Bible says the earth is flat, do you think that will make them stronger believers? No! The odds are much higher that they will continue to believe the earth is a sphere but now they will believe the Bible is not true! Teaching that the Bible says the World is flat can in the end, destroy someone’s faith.
I once had a small debate with an atheist who claimed he was once a Christian until someone proved to him the Bible was false. They proved it to him by showing him how it was literally impossible for the flood to have happened. They showed him that if all of the water in the atmosphere was to fall down to earth, it would not be enough to raise the oceans by more than an inch or two. That for the rain to fall hard enough to raise the oceans above the mountains inside 40 days, it would have had to come down like it was poured out of a faucet. Not in drops. This science proved to him that the Bible was false. Therefore it meant Christianity was false. He became an atheist.
However, I explained to him that the Bible doesn’t say that it was just rain that filled the earth. It also says the fountains of the deep opened up. Science has recently discovered that there is a layer beneath the surface of the earth that is made up of a water mineral. It contains enough water that if it all rose up to the surface, it could possibly cover the mountains.
Unfortunately I never received a reply from him. I have no idea if I opened his eyes to the truth of God’s Word or if he is still an atheist or what. The point is however, that it was a false belief in something that made him think that the Bible was false. That destroyed his faith. Convince someone that the Bible says the earth is flat when the world has proven it is a sphere, and it could very easily destroy their faith in the Bible. It could make them believe the Bible is just a book written by men and not truly inspired by God.
There is absolutely nothing to gain by believing the earth is flat. But by teaching the Bible says it is, you can cause people to lose their faith.
Does the Bible Say it is Flat?
Simply put? No! There are a bunch of verses that they use to interpret that it means the earth is flat, but none of them ever say it. They will give you plenty of scriptures they interpret to mean the earth is flat, but none of them, not a single one of them, are very strong evidence. Here are some of their scriptural arguments…
The Four Corners of the Earth
They give many verses that use verbiage like “the ends of the earth”, or the “four corners of the earth” as well as others and try to say that means the earth is flat. They will try to use verses about the sun moving across the sky to say it says the earth is flat and unmoving and the sun is what actually moves. They completely ignore the simple fact that those who wrote the Bible were writers.
Do you think God made someone who was illiterate pick up the pencil and write a book for the Bible? Of course not! Most people in those days didn’t know how to read and write. Many who learned did not do much of it. Those who did write did so because they were writers at heart. Much of the Old Testament is written poetically; especially Psalms and Proverbs, which is where you will find the majority of those verses.
Even in modern poetry today’s writers will use terms like the Ends of the Earth or how someone went to all corners of the earth. Today it is common to use phrases like the sun crosses the sky. When the sun goes down, it is a sunset. When it rises it is a sunrise. Does that mean we believe the sun is moving and the earth is still? No! Even those who truly believe the earth is a sphere, orbiting around the much larger sun, still call it a sunrise and sunset. You can’t take verses written poetically and say they mean the earth is flat.
The Foundation of the Earth
Flat-Earthers will also throw a whole lot of verses about the “foundation of the earth” at you. This is a ridiculous argument.
To say that if it has a foundation it must have a bottom or a base to it is silly. The foundation of a statue is what the statue sits upon. The foundation of a building is the base of the building that holds it flat and steady. Are they saying the earth has a base to it now? What is that base on? The only reason anything has a base to it, is because that base is connected to something to hold it in place.
The foundation of something is its holding point. For a planet, the foundation is its core. The center of it. This world is not just a large ball of dirt. It has layers. It has a core. It has different materials inside it. Those are the foundation of the earth. There is absolutely nothing about the world having a foundation that means it is flat. That is purely and nothing more than conjecture.
Satan Showed Jesus the whole earth.
When Satan took Jesus up to the highest mountain or tower and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, the flat-earthers will claim that is proof that the earth if flat. They say it would be impossible to see kingdoms on the other side of the world if it was a sphere.
Let’s use some of their own understanding against them here. Ask a flat-earther why there is a horizon if the earth is flat. Their answer is because there is a limit to how far the eyes can see. The horizon is that limit. So according to their own understanding, the eyes cannot see the whole earth from one place even if the earth was flat. So if that is true, then how did Satan show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world even if it was flat?
Clearly there was something very supernatural happening here. The fact that Satan took Jesus and teleported or flew to this high point is proof that this was not going according to physics. So if there was a supernatural influence happening that allowed them to see the entire world if it was flat, why couldn’t it allow them to see the entire world if it was a sphere?
Everyone will see Him coming in the clouds
Flat-Earthers will argue that the Second Coming is proof that the earth is flat. Scripture says that when Jesus returns in the Second Coming, every eye will see Him coming. This is yet another very flawed argument.
First off, I can just refer you to the last point about the Supernatural allowing them to see the entire world from one place. If it could do that, then why couldn’t it work the other way and allow everyone on the earth to look up and see Him in the sky?
However I will give you another idea that is even more logical. Where does it say that His descent is straight down? Jesus is going to be descending with a massive army of every believer and angel behind Him. Is there any reason that He couldn’t descend in an angle so that as He descends, He takes a trip around the globe so everyone will see Him and then finally land in Armageddon?
Some Flat-Earthers claim to have grown with God because of their beliefs!
Twice in my discussions with Flat-Earthers, they have claimed that as they have studied about the Flat Earth in the Bible, they have actually grown to have more faith. To me this is a natural effect. Not an effect of believing in the flat earth, but in studying God’s Word.
I don’t care if you are studying to prove the earth is flat or a sphere; whether you study the Bible to prove one doctrine or another. It doesn’t matter what you study the Bible for, if you already believe in God, studying the Bible will help your faith grow. Their faith didn’t grow because they believed in the flat earth. Their faith grew because they were studying God’s Word! No other reason!
Look, as I have pointed out, there is nothing to gain in believing the earth is flat. Nothing! The belief that the entire world, every scientist and every government are spending trillions upon trillions of dollars to change photos, pay off scientists, create videos, stage space flight, create trigonometry and laws of physics that make perfect sense but are lies, just to keep us from knowing the earth is flat when it would not serve any purpose, is silly.
To push this belief with no real evidence to support it, and to throw out mountains of evidence as lies? Illogical at best! Simply insane at worst!
Look at Logic!
Take a good look at the moon. Watch the different phases of the moon. That’s all you have to do to see absolute proof that the moon itself is a sphere. This is a kids video to explain the phases but in watching it, you realize the moon must be a sphere for the different phases to always be the same.
How is it the moon is always, always round? Do you really believe the earth is flat but the moon and every other planet is round? How is it that the moon is not ever elliptical?
Look at Polaris. Polaris is the star that is according to science, directly north of the North Pole and is the brightest star in the northern sky. Call someone in Canada or Alaska, someone far north when it is night time and ask them to describe how far above the horizon Polaris is. Then call someone in Florida or lower Texas and ask them the same thing. IF the Earth was flat, both would say it is the same distance above the horizon. But in truth, they will give you very different answers. That is because someone up north will see the star higher in the sky. Someone down south will see it closer to the horizon. That is proof the Earth is a sphere. Someone south of the equator cannot even see Polaris. People in the high north do not see the stars in the same position as those in the south.
Take a large powerful magnet and place it on a floating board that will keep it from sinking, in the middle of a pool. Then do the same with smaller magnets and place them a good distance away from the larger one. Then slowly move one of the small magnets in the direction of the large one. Once they get inside the pull of the magnet, it is the little magnets that will be pulled toward the large one. The large magnet won’t even move much.
Then try pushing the large magnet toward a small one slowly. Once it is inside the magnetic pull, it will again be the small magnet that will move the most. The large magnet will hardly move any more than it already was. Large items will draw smaller items to it. There is absolutely no way that the Earth is sitting still and flat and the sun is orbiting around the earth.
Trust Issues
So far, every Flat-Earther I have talked to, is caught up in different conspiracies and is antigovernmental. When everyone who believes something fits a particular profile, doesn’t that kind of tell you something? Why wouldn’t there be one person who is not antigovernmental and not a part of other conspiracies who sees the logic of a flat earth? Why is it that there is not one single Christian who studies science who will cave in and do the right thing and prove the earth is flat using science? Why is it that none of the many scholars who really study the Bible, believe it says the earth is flat?
When the only ones who say a black man is guilty of a crime is wearing a white hood, it is clear their judgment is biased.
When the only ones accusing Jesus were the Jews who were losing face, its easy to see their judgment was biased.
When the only ones who say you are a great singer is your parents, they are likely being biased.
When the only ones who say homosexuality is not a sin are gay, there is likely some bias in their studies.
When the only ones who say a president was horrible are those of the other party, there is likely biasness in their thinking.
So when the only ones who think the earth is flat are conspiracists…..
When the very few say something and the opposite is so clearly understood by everyone else, likely what the few say is not truth. The simply have their own agenda to support and so they will look to support that at all cost.